Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The sixth day of Christmas

was a good time for a bit of exercise to make up for seasonal feasting...and also for a bit of pre-loading before NYE. We achieved the first through a typically "flat" Clear Mountain run/walk - very clearly marked with plenty of flour. We achieved the second as we gathered beneath the grape vines at Charcoal and Strine's for a drink and pasta feast. The boys played with some model boats on the dam and the girls investigated the contents of the wine esky. It was a very pleasant way to wind up 2018, so many thanks, hares!

About this time in the cycle we usually look back over the highlights of the last twelve hashing months. This year these have included - but are obviously not limited to:

Our 2018 Australia Day run
A Sunday Roast in Upper Kedron
Plenty of rain in February and March
The welcome return of Superhacker
A Hash trip to Girraween
Interhash in Fiji
Bastille Day at Boggo Road
Fathers' Day 2018
Runs from some new locations - such as Ascot - and an Abba experience
Halloween in Dayboro
Shockjock's birthday pub crawl
The 2018 Red Dress run

On a sadder note - this year we also bade farewell to Darcy .

We're looking forward to a great Samford Hash year in 2019! Stay safe, and don't drink and drive - you might spill it in your lap....

On our next run we'll be meeting a new hash canine for the first time. Shockjock and Miss Demeanour have made the following requests - no, dammit, they're stipulations! Orders!
1. Any dog who comes must be fully up to date with inoculations.
2. Remove your shoes as you come into the house through the front door.
3. Wash your hands.

Got it?

Next run details
When: Sunday 6th January, 5 pm
Where: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour's Bunya bure
Hares: Shockjock, Miss Demeanour and Co.

(If you need directions to this run, please email us)

On, on!