Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Summer is a-coming in

"Sumer is icumen in" is a 14th century song that Haughty can remember singing in a primary school choir (back in the 14th century, of course.) No-one explained to the children the line in it about bucks farting, which is a pity - they'd have enjoyed knowing what the words they were singing meant.

We certainly felt summer coming in this last Sunday. It was hot - really hot, and still hot at 4 pm. This didn't deter some 33 of us turning up in Dayboro for Banger and Make an Offer's run and walk. Here's a group shot from before the start, with Dynamite clearly a reluctant participant, and some other recalcitrants skulking in the background:

It certainly is high time for us to  move to a 5 pm start - as we will next week.

As always in Dayboro, out hares took runners and walkers on a couple of very scenic circuits. These included a few gentle inclines so we could enjoy the cooling breezes at the crests:

Back home, we were treated to a wonderful feast of gourmet burgers and salad, followed by fruit salad and cream. What an excellent repast! Many, many thanks to our hares!

(Looks as though Snappy's new camera can do the fish-eye thing!)

Strine made a presentation to Le W*nk of some fascinating information about the bustling metropolis of St George. He promised to visit the garage there in future:

We'll be returning to this Make an Offer and Banger's on the 10th of December for our Hash Christmas party, and there was some discussion in the circle about this event. Look for more details to follow.

For the first time since 2010, Halloween actually falls on a Sunday this year, and so coincides with our Halloween run/walk. Mile High and Hugandkiss are planning something special - perhaps we're in for a traditional pre-Christian Druidic happening! 

Here's a note from Mile High: "Please embrace the 'spirit'of Halloween by coming in costume. Prizes for Best Male and Female, Best Child and Best Dog. Trick or Treat - share a joke, song, poem or a spider dance." Our hares promise a level walk/run in which we will scare/entertain the neighbourhood. Look to your emails for the address and further information about parking...this is not one to miss!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 31st October, 5 pm

Where: Mile High and Hugandkiss' Highvale hacienda

Hares: Hugandkiss and Mile High

On, on!

Monday, October 18, 2021

Rambling through the avenues

To quote the classic Kiwi comedy, our hares took the group "Rambling through the avenues" (of Kedron) this last Sunday. Here are some of the rambling walkers:

And to quote a joke that should have been buried centuries ago, they also took the walkers through the "dead centre of town":

To quote Le W*nk, the venue was "the most unattractive park in Brisbane". In fact it wasn't all unattractive. But in keeping with his advertisement, he found a spot on some bare ground between a building site and the road....

The runners were joined on the trail by Banger and Make an Offer's daughter. The word is that she set a cracking pace and had no mercy on the old fellas....

Many thanks to our hares!

Finally - a reminder that it's time...time for us to move to our summer start time. We'll do that for our Halloween run/walk on 31st October.

Next run details

When: Sunday 24th October at 4 pm (Note that this is the last of our 4 pm starts for the year!)

Where: Banger and Make an Offer's Dayboro hilltop

Hares: Make an Offer and Banger

(If you need directions to this run please email us.)

On, on!

Monday, October 11, 2021

University challenged (again)

If you look through our archives, you'll find that Superhacker has led us through and around the hallowed halls of academe at St Lucia on innumerable occasions (you'll find some links in this post from last year). The particular challenge for the runners this year involved a complete absence of markings after they had been taken to the end of Glasshouse Road. After searching left and right they decided to head back towards the Great Court for a traditional jog along the cloisters:

And here they are, their heads almost bursting with osmotic pressure as knowledge flows into them from their surroundings:

As all Southern Hemisphere undergraduates know, jacaranda season signals that final assessments are due. It's a good time therefore to get out onto the netball and tennis courts and running tracks (or - in Budgie's case - to head off-campus to the pub). But there did seem to be fewer people around than there have been in the past, perhaps indicating some of the dire effects of Covid-19 on the university. The walkers could enjoy the scenic views of the river and the campus unaffected by the crowds, the wedding parties, the cyclists, the joggers, and the commemorative photo shoots featuring young people in academic dress. Thanks to Snappy for these memorable pics:

Hash canine Peggy caused us a bit of worry after she seemed to be suffering from exhaustion and had to be carried for part of the circuit:

However, you'll be glad to hear from Escargot that she was a bit better on the way home and made a complete recovery after a restorative dinner of chicken rice!

Back at the UQ playground (highly recommended by the younger members of the group), we enjoyed a great meal, followed by birthday cake (thanks, Tatty!) and birthday ice-cream. 

Here is our one-year old birthday boy (my, hasn't time flown!):

And here is our birthday girl, with the one candle we managed to light:

We sang "Happy Birthday" to them both, and awarded our hare (and birthday girl) with a down, down. Many happy returns!

Our Hash caravaners seem to have made it to St George, where the rain clouds were starting to roll in:

And here is the one thing to do in Thalion (it's a good thing all 257 inhabitants of the town take turns). William the Wombat, the great tourist attraction and one of Australia's Big Things, was actually made by David Joffe in Highvale. Small world, innit?

Le W*nk displayed his marketing skill by describing the venue for next week's run as "the most unattractive park in Brisbane." Enjoy!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 17th October, 4 pm.

Where: Bradbury Park, Batten Street, Kedron. A map!

Hares: Le W*nk and Lax

(We suggest you bring chairs and porta-potties.)

On, on!