We had a surprisingly large crowd for a Mothers' Day run this week. M. Promptu took us a short distance up Cedar Creek to Bellbird Grove and around a very pretty circuit which included a few creek crossings. And Potluck as usual produced a varied and substantial feast.
This year's Mother Superior Award went to someone who has been a hasher for a very long time - since the days when her own mother and father lived in Samford and used to hash with us. As Culture said, she displays notable mothering behaviour within her own family, and no doubt with her students. Scratchit testified that she's a "Mother Hen" - his words, not mine! And she showed off the formidable foundation-wear that make up the award with flair and aplomb! Congratulations, Floater.
Next run details
When: Sunday 20th May, 4 pm
Where:Alfredson Park (aka Pie Van Park) on Collins Road. A map!
Hares: Shockjock, Miss Demeanour and Co.
On, on!