Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How the other half gets by

Bigtop, Hardcore and Co. set an intricate trail this last Sunday, providing us gawping country bumpkins with a real insight into how the other half gets by in Clayfield - plus some multi-million dollar city views - plus a very pleasant stroll along some unfamiliar sections of Kedron Brook. They followed this up with some toothsome soup and chicken curry. Many thanks, hares, and good on yer - especially Eloise!

Some of the runners found the trail markings a wee bit challenging. Perhaps our teachers and scoutmasters were right all those years ago about certain activities causing blindness? Anyway, it was good to have Hornblower's young sister running out front - she proved to be a darn sharpsighted leader.

Next week we're heading a bit further out of the valley for a run/walk at Caloundra. To allow for travel time we'll be starting at 3 pm - for this week only, of course! Our hare is Megafone, who was named last year in Tuscany. Anyone who hasn't met her yet is invited to figure out how she got that name....

And here are the directions to the meeting place (I'm sort of quoting): from Caloundra Road, follow the main drag towards Golden Beach (Baldwin and Blaxland.) Turn left into Earnshaw, then right into the Esplanade. The meeting place is a large shelter (two tables) called "Ayliffe". Please bring chairs, and allow an hour and a half for travel from Samford.

Next run details
When: Sunday 1st June, 3 pm - NB 3 pm start - this week only.
Where: Golden Beach Esplanade, south of Earnshaw. A map!
Hare: Megafone (and friends?)

On, on!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Giro del Dayboro

The clouds parted to produce a lovely afternoon in Dayboro this last Sunday. I'm not sure where the walkers went (I'm not sure that the walkers knew where they went, either) but the runners enjoyed a very scenic circuit of the green surrounds.

We didn't hear until afterwards that Banger and Make an Offer's dog Toga had suffered a dramatic snakebite in the preceding week (the patient is doing well.) Perhaps if we had known we'd have exercised a bit more caution in tackling the grassy bits of the run....

Some welcome and warming vats of mash and stew greeted us on our return, and we greedily shoveled them in. Thanks, hares!

Meanwhile, in Istanbul Mile High and Hugandkiss (and friends) were overlooking the blue waters of the Bosphorus...

Next run details
When: Sunday 25th May, 4 pm
Where: Kalinga Park, Clayfield. Here's a map!
Hares: Bigtop and Hardcore (helped by Eloise)

On, on!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother Superior 2014 - how time flies!

You can be a Mother Superior without being a biological mother - and on Mothers' Day we celebrate mothering in general with the Samford Hash Mother Superior Award.

Hot mama Hardcore, this year's recipient, had been honing her mothering skills for years before giving birth to baby Eloise. She raised Kumo from a pathetic bundle of white fluff to a fine young attack hound. And she's mothered many hashers preparing for trips overseas, making sure they've got their lunch money, done their homework, and packed their swimmers. After all that, looking after a baby must be a doddle....

Last year's winner Miss Demeanour formally stripped out of the formidable foundationwear and helped Hardcore on with it:

Woohoo! Go, girl!

And, no, your bum does not look big in it!

On occasions like this, it's worth remembering how important mothers are. Oedipus may have killed his dad, but at least he really loved his mother:

M. Promptu set a pleasant though coldish village circuit for both runners and walkers, and Potluck provided the usual feast.

We bade farewell to Hugandkiss and Mile High, who head off for Istanbul this week. They said they're hoping to find a Hash there - or was it that they were hoping to find some hash there? Good luck with both, guys!

And finally, it seems Shockjock and his apprentices will be producing 2 Hash Mashes this year. The first was put down this weekend - a pale ale. The second - an IPA - will be started in June. Can't wait to taste 'em!

Next run details
When: Sunday 18th May, 4 pm
Where: Outside the IGA in Dayboro. Here's a map!
Hares: Banger and Make an Offer

On, on!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Legging it

Winter suddenly bared its fangs this last Sunday, so it was good to get on the trail and warm up. What could be more pleasant than a stroll along the river on a crisp clear afternoon? "Give me Brisbane any day!"

This was run 1202, but we used the occasion to continue our celebrations of the 1200th - for the benefit of those who couldn't make it 2 weeks ago. But first, here's Charcoal's shot of the very attractive bunch who were able to turn up on Easter Sunday (minus some latecomers, of course):

This week our hares laid on a very popular all-American meal of hotdogs and salad, plus some all-American beer!

We followed up with a 1200th run cake...

and the hares did the honours for the assembled throng:

The occasion was also marked by a solemn naming ceremony. Gastrick had hashed before under the tutelage of his father Leatherback, but had never been named. Miss Fit has promised to live up to her moniker from now on....

Next week we take our annual trip down Mammary Lane - it's the Mother's Day run! You'll find some reminders of previous events here, and here, and here.

Next run details
When: Sunday 11th May, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: M. Promptu will set the run; Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!