Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tat attack

It's the time of year when Australians join together in celebrating and supporting the Chinese tat industry. What would we - as a nation - do without the folks who provide us with essentials like the patriotic garment Eweshggr wore in 2011? Front view of the label:

And the back view:

There was plenty of blue and red in evidence as hashers gathered for this year's Ozday event - but we also welcomed those who'd made a minimal effort. Payback had gone to the same hair colorist as Pauline Hanson....

Back home it was time for the traditional thong toss. There was plenty of enthusiam among the tossers, and plenty of tension among the spectators:

Scratchit and Le W*nk danced to our traditional rendition of Walzing Matilda, and the winning competitors were cheered as they mounted the podium.

MEANWHILE in Tokyo Where's the Beef? modelled a Green and Gold outfit in a wholly appropriate location. He reports that the weather was a bit different from ours - MINUS 3 degrees on the trail! Enough to turn any cow purple....

Next run details
When: Sunday 4th February, 5 pm
Where: Upper Kedron Recreation Reserve, Upper Kedron Road (carpark next to the children's play area.) A map!
Hares: Shaggy and Cadbury

On, on!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Get well soon!

A few months back we had reason to note that "Bald Hills" is a misnomer. No-one could make the same claim about "Clear Mountain" - the area has plenty of mountainous terrain! And our hares this last Sunday treated us to plenty of the inclines and declines we've grown to know and love....

What were these dogs on about?

Back home the throng feasted on German meatloaf and accompaniments, followed up by mango and ice-cream - yum. Many thanks, hares!

Superhacker gave us all a bit of a scare this week. Happily, within a couple of days she was feeling fit enough to complain about the NHS hospital food....

Our annual celebration of Ockerdom is coming up this Sunday...an opportunity to show off our true blue colours, our beer guts and our bum cracks. You'll find some shots of previous events here, here, here and here - and yet more if you check the blog archives. (Oh, BTW, it may be an idea to bring a chair.)

Next run details
When: Sunday 28th January, 5 pm
Where: Kupidabin Park, Corbett St, Samford. A map!
Hares: Haughty and Culture

On, on!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Cool change

It was 38 degrees when we arrived at the venue on Sunday but - almost miraculously - conditions changed radically during the run/walk as a cool change moved in.

Bigly stable genius Le W*nk and his helpmate Lax had set us a very scenic route around the water's edge...but apart from a few chalk arrows at about 1.8 km in (and one pile of flour at about 3.5 km) all trail markings had been washed out by a storm on Saturday evening. Never mind - Le W*nk was still able to lead the runners on a heartbreaking false trail that provided plenty of hill training. And Mile High presented him with a special Camino arrow pin to remind him what arrows look like....Many thanks, hares! Great salad!

It was good to welcome Kiwi/Lancashire visitor Heavy Metal. He hopes to be back in the next couple of months if his work brings him to Brisbane again. We'll meet up with him and other members of the Bay of Islands Hash when we travel to Fiji in May.

The meal was served on a dodgy bit of cabinetry - gosh, why isn't there a real furniture maker around when you need one?

Payback's birthday was celebrated in a traditional style and with some birthday bubbles:

And the Hash first aid kit was called into requisition for the first time ever when Strine suffered a mishap on the trail. Ouch! We're glad to hear that she's been checked out by her doctor and she's doing well. It all provided some good practice for first aiders Jamesbondage and Redbreast.

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st January, 5 pm
Where: Corner Buranda and Clear Mountain Roads, Clear Mountain. A map!
Hares: Strine and Charcoal

On, on!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

And a new one just begun

Hares Budgie and Miss Behavin' hosted the hottest run of the year so far (yes, I know, I know - it's meant to be a joke!), taking us on a new but mercifully flat route through some unfamiliar burbs. It's always interesting to explore new territory and give the locals something to gawk at. Wonder what they were saying as they drove past in air-conditioned comfort?

Back on the hares' back patio, a varied feast and plenty of liquid refreshment restored our inner men and women. Many thanks, guys!

Preparing for Interhash in Fiji, Payback practised his photo-bombing skills while Culture practised sitting on ice (no photo of this, unfortunately....)

Meanwhile, Knocking Shop (who visited us in December) reports from Tokyo that
"I went to a run last Sunday, and met In Your Dreams and Where's the Beef? by coincidence! This will be a great start of a new friendship."

She goes on to say that "The run was "Seven Gods of Good Fortune" run. In the Japanese tradition, each god represents luck in health, family, business etc., and we visit shrines in the new year to collect stamps. The Seven Gods have their own ship to travel, so I'm sure they can reach to the Southern Hemisphere as well."

And she sends good wishes: "May the year 2018 be a happy, peaceful, and hashing year for you all!"

Many thanks to her. It's great to see In Your Dreams and Where's the Beef? looking so well.

Next run details
When: Sunday 14th January, 5 pm
Where: Meet at The Gap Park 'n Ride commuter carpark (just before the Enoggera Reservoir - Waterworks Road, The Gap). A map!
Hares: Le W*nk and Lax

On, on!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

On, on, Janus!

It's the time of year for looking both ways, and from this viewpoint things don't seem too bad. Way back at the start of 2017 we were carrying a lot of injuries as a group....Now at the start of 2018 Culture's rebuilt wrist has fully mended and her left thumb is working. Le W*nk, Shockjock and Haughty are all running again. Bigtop has had her foot operated on and we are expecting her back better than ever. So far, so good....

Looking back over the archives, you'll find plenty of highlights from this last year. Here are a few you might like to revisit:

OzDay 2017
German Club excursion
Moonrise over Highvale
A virgin run in April
Gorge camping trip
Mothers' Day 2017
Rainy day in Raven Street Reserve
Hashers tread the boards in "As You Like It"
Charcoal and Strine's 50th Wedding Anniversary
Dads' Day 2017
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail excursion
Birthday celebrations
Topless' 10th anniversary run
Red Dress Run 2017
Hash Christmas

Our last run of 2017 was a quiet affair after the area had been battered by a severe storm an hour or so before the start. The creek was way too wild to allow us to take a dip,  and though the rain had stopped it was still still very hot and humid as we welcomed the baby year in.

We're heading for Murrumba Downs and the shores of the Pine River for our first run of 2018.

Next run details
When: Sunday 7th January, 5 pm
Where: Budgie and Miss Behavin's Murrumba Downs manor
Hares: Miss Behavin' and Budgie

(If you need directions to this run please email us.)

On, on!