Tuesday, September 25, 2018

(Thai) Green and (Fools') Gold

Master chef Leave Pass just gets better and better, and he outdid his previous efforts with the Thai Green Chicken Curry he served up in Upper Kedron on Sunday...a 5-star feast! He'd clearly spent a lot of time in the kitchen - and he'd spent a bit of dosh on trail flour too. He led us up up the creek to Bellbird Grove, where some poor blokes had spent years of their lives in digging holes for fools' gold. The runners - and some fast walkers - toured the remnants of these triumphs of hope over experience, plus another pleasant bushy circuit. Many thanks, Leave Pass, and congratulations on your culinary triumph! Thanks for the pink balloons, too, but you needn't have....

A number of hashers had come on - rather the worse for wear - from Redcliffe, where Topless had been celebrating her birthday with plenty of schnapps and other liquid refreshment. Happy birthday to you!

Meanwhile in Tokyo, Where's the Beef? and In Your Dreams showed off their fashion sense, wearing their purple Samford shirts at the Sumo Hash:

The sentimentally-inclined will be gathering this Friday evening at Miss Demeanour's for a showing of Mamma Mia (1). Bring bubbles, nibbles and handkerchiefs. (Totally coincidentally, Shockjock will be away for the weekend with his brewing club.)

Next Sunday we'll be gathering in Ascot. Bigtop has asked that we wear our best clothes (and have our hair and nails done) so that we don't lower the tone of the area.

Next run details
When: Sunday 30th September, 4 pm
Where: Oriel Park, Reeve Street, Ascot. A map!
Hares: Bigtop and Urass

On, on!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Some surprisingly nattily-dressed ladies and gents turned up for the circle this last Sunday. These were the hashers who'd been raising funds for good causes by scoffing cakes and swilling tea and champagne at the Samford Leo Club's High Tea. They arrived (in their formal gear) too late to take part in the walk/run...and the fact that they'd spent the afternoon eating and drinking didn't seem to stop them doing full justice to the varied and sumptuous feast that Potluck laid on. The less formally-dressed were probably a bit more justified in tucking in after completing a pleasant Samford circuit under the leadership of M. Promptu. Thanks, everyone, for your contributions!

We welcomed Kermit - back on a flying visit - and congratulated Tatty and Squelch on their engagement. Shaggy said he was feeling very chuffed at being formally asked for his daughter's hand in marriage (did this really happen???)

And as we gallop towards the end of the year, we have a couple of dates for you to mark in your calendars. Firstly, the 2018 Red Dress Run is early this year - on Monday November 26th. And it's back at the Plough Inn in Southbank.

And secondly, Hash Christmas this year will be on December 1st, at Haughty and Culture's. You'll find some shots from our last Christmas party at this venue here. Don't we look young!

Next run details
When: Sunday 23rd September, 4 pm
Where: Parksedge Street, Upper Kedron. A map!
Hare: Leave Pass

On, on!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Rainforest romp

It's been a couple of years since we last ran from Boombana (you'll find a reminder of that excursion here) so it was good to experience the leafy trails and temperate conditions once again. There is something special about rainforest running/walking.... Our hares had even brought some wood to burn - and sitting around the campfire recalled earlier occasions on which the Shggrs had lit a blaze in the same fireplace. A pleasant walk/run...some triffic nosh...and some great memories....Thanks, hares!

We welcomed back Eweshggr, Charcoal and Strine from their Western wanderings, and bade farewell to Escargot, who leaves for the UK on Thursday. Given our general penchant for travel, it's perhaps not surprising that we began planning a date to get together for Hash Christmas during the circle - though, really - there's still a quarter of a year to go!

Some of us had taken part in the Samford Fun Run that morning, while others had volunteered to help cook and serve a Fun Run breakfast.

Shockjock was meant to be taking part in the event but spent the previous day judging beer. This picture of him carb-loading on Saturday night helps explain why he was "too ill" to run on Sunday.

Next run details
When: Sunday 16th September, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: M. Promptu will set the run; Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Cool Daddies 2018

Some cool daddies (and hot mamas) gathered at Cedar Creek for our 2018 Fathers' Day run. Coolest of them all was Shaggy, the worthy recipient of the Tight Jocks Award for this year! He looked a bit apprehensive as he was called forward...

as well he might. Each winner of the Tight Jocks pledges that the venerable garment will never see the inside of a washing machine, and after all these years this treatment is starting to have noticeable results. The Tight Jocks are of course designed to make sure that our Father of the Year never fathers anyone again, and the pong probably reinforces their compressive effect. But Shaggy soon got into the spirit of things and modeled the costume with aplomb:

The following (I think) was the winner of the Dad Joke competition: "I dreamt that I was drowning in an ocean of orange soft-drink. But when I woke I realised it was a Fanta sea." (Actually Superhacker's joke really deserved to win. But she's not a dad....)

There was a bit of variation in the walk/run - in the sense that some of the hills were somewhat gentle, and others were somewhat severe. The hares were cursed for the one they had saved up for last....

And talking of Cool - and of embarrassing dads - here's a little reminder of how we partied in Fiji:

Meanwhile - elsewhere in Queensland, our Western explorers have been wending their way home again after 6 weeks on the road. Here's the last selection from Strine's photos of the trip:

Outside of Winton, a notable landmark is Arno's wall made of rock from Arno's mine (100 km away) and some of his collection of interesting items.

The Stonehenge (pop 33) Hotel:

Crossing the Barcoo (in floods this crossing can go up to 7 m under):

Charcoal, Strine and Eweshggr revisited Yaraka, where a number of us completed an outback run a couple of years ago (you'll find a reminder here.) Some things have changed in town since then: the store has re-opened, and there's now a mobile tower on top of Mt. Slowcombe! But the opals are still hard to find....

A highlight of the trip back was a visit to the Bilby Centre at Charleville:

You'll find more of Strine's pictures here, and more on Eweshggr's Facebook page.

Next run details
When: Sunday 9th September, 4 pm
Where: Boombana picnic ground, Mt Nebo. A map!
Hares: Escargot and Dingo

On, on!