Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The end is nigh....

We're almost at the end of what has been an extraordinary year. It's seen us hashing in households, meeting on Zoom, hashing in 10s, hashing in 20s, hashing in a whole group, hashing in 10s and 20s again, hashing in a whole group again....As little as ten months ago, many of us were still preparing to go to Interhash in Trinidad and Tobago! Hard to imagine that now, innit? Our usual review of the year that's gone looks a little different from usual.

We began pretty normally, with (for example) a traditional Ozday meet, and a historical tour of the Petrie Terrace area. Then came our last full group run for a while, followed by suspension. We were then hashing in households for a while, and then hashing in households for a while longer, while ANZAC Day came and went. We missed our usual Mothers' Day celebration while hashing in 10s, and went on to hash in 20s for a while. We were able to finally all get together for a Christmas in July celebration, before restrictions returned in August. By September the mountain bikers among us were able to get out on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail again, and our Hash Christmas party proceeded as normally as it usually does. Whew! Who would dare to predict what's to come?

Our last excursion for the year was a relaxed stroll along the banks of Cedar Creek, beside some pools that were looking very pretty after recent rain. Pablo, released for a dip, took advantage of his freedom by recruiting some disreputable friends and racing up and down the trails, oblivious to commands and entreaties to come to heel, until Miss Demeanour appeared and took him in hand.

He had a further dip, on leash, to wash off some of the mud.

Back at the hares', the Big News was that Le W*nk and Lax are engaged! The infatuated couple were off on business of their own (don't ask) but we raised a glass in their honour. What a great announcement to end the year on!

Finally, here's our annual wrap-up of the best Christmas cracker jokes of the year:

What do you call an old snowman? Water!

What says Oh Oh Oh? Santa walking backwards!

Why is it so difficult to train dogs to dance? They have two left feet!

What did the stamp say to the letter? Stick with me and we’ll go places!

What do you get if Santa forgets to wear his underpants? St Nickerless!

What do you get if you lie under a cow? A pat on the head!

Why did nobody bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay? They were two deer!

Next run details

When: Sunday 3rd January, 5 pm

Where: Parksedge Street, Upper Kedron. A map!

Hare: Leave Pass

We suggest you bring a chair.

On, on!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hashy Christmas 2020

What a great venue for this year's Hash Christmas party! Views from the deck all the way to a distant firework display at Redcliffe...a pool (without a shallow end) to bob about in...ample bench space for a huge banquet...and a table seating perhaps 20 people at a time!

We think there were about 36 - 38 of us there, but there was more than enough food (and drink, importantly) for us all. Thanks to everyone for their contributions - and special thanks to 

- our hosts B&W and TF;

- our brewers Shockjock and Scratchit;

- Miss Demeanour for organising the distribution and redistribution of gifts through a noisy Secret Santa game;

- Tatty and Squelch, for providing the means for many to play "Cuddle the Baby".

The theme of "Country Life" was interpreted in various ways. Dolly Parton made an appearance, as did a cowgirl who hadn't got the blues, a cow, a coupla truckers, some freckled hayseeds, a number of jack and jilleroos, and a particularly scary Santa. Here are some shots to help jog your memory of the evening, especially if the latter part has become a bit blurred in your mind....

We followed up on Sunday with a recovery run from John Scott Park. And next Sunday marks the last run of a very peculiar year. Hope to see you there!

Next run details

When: Sunday 27th December, 5 pm

Where: Corner Woods Rd and Mt Samson Rd, Closeburn. A map! After at Haughty and Culture's hillside hideaway.

Hares: Culture and Haughty

Note: You might like to bring some togs along, just in case....

On, on!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Well-behaved weather

There'd been a bit of rain before 5 pm on Sunday, and the BOM predictions - and radar images - indicated that a lot more was on its way. The brave souls who gathered at the Arana Hills Library were well prepared to be drenched:

In the event, though, the rain held off until we were back under shelter. Obviously our hares hadn't even attempted to mark a trail, but there were maps available for those to chose to use them (it appeared that some walkers didn't....)

The library patio area provided a comfortable and dry venue for a feast of rice, dahl and stew of home-grown ingredients. Many thanks to Floater and Scratchit for an interesting run/walk and a great meal!

Our Hash Christmas party is coming up on Saturday 19th, and well over 30 of us have signed up for the celebration. You should by now know all the details, including what you are meant to be bringing. If you have any queries please email us....

A potluck recovery run follows on Sunday.

Next run details

When: Sunday 20th December, 5 pm.

Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village

Hares: M. Promptu will set the trail. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share - leftovers highly desirable)

On, on!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Molehills into mountains

The theory goes that heating of the earth's crust can cause it to buckle and fold. Perhaps that explains why the gentle undulations on the track out on Sunday had become mountainous peaks and chasms on the way back? (For the record, the temperature at 5 pm had plummeted to 35.5 degrees at Highvale, and a relatively frigid 32.5 degrees at Jolly's Lookout....)

Anyway, it was certainly pleasant to take our dripping selves back to the dizzying and breezy heights of our hares' deck - to replenish our precious bodily fluids, to tuck in to an amazing spread, and to enjoy the views over Samford, Brisbane and Moreton Bay. Many thanks to B&W and TF for a memorable occasion!

And we will be returning to the same spectacular location in a couple of weeks for our 2020 Hash Christmas party. Hasn't the year flown? It seems hardly any time since our 2019 party in Dayboro - and what a time it has been, eh? 

B&W reminded any who haven't RSVPed to do so ASAP. The theme is "Country Life", which gives you plenty of scope for creativity in your costume. Secret Santa gifts should be unisex to the value of $10. And if you think you are likely to be spending the night in your swag or caravan, please let B&W and TF know so they can lay on breakfast....We're looking forward to another great night!

Floater is holding an exhibition of her work at the Arana Hills Library. It looks really good from the photos....

Finally, the next SPADEwerx production - of the hilariously funny "Charley's Aunt" - is in rehearsal. The show is coming off on January 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th (2 performances) in Samford, with a further performance on 6th February in Dayboro. 

There'll be a Gold Class option available - for an extra $20 you can enjoy a complimentary glass of fizz and a gourmet 3 course meal during the course of the play! Audience numbers are restricted because of Covid-safe seating requirements, so it would be a really good idea to book early by contacting Jo on 0412 575 642.

A couple of "Charley's Aunt" cast members (whom many Samford hashers would recognise) in rehearsal:

Next run details

When: Sunday 13th December, 5 pm

Where: Arana Hills Library, Cobbity Crescent, Arana Hills. A map!

Hares: Floater and Scratchit

On, on!