Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It was hard going

at last Sunday's run in the Village. Especially so for Gastrick, who had to make a few stops due to his Christmas over-indulgence. Payback wasn't in good shape either, so he didn't even attempt to run.

It looks like New Zealand was the place to be leading up to Christmas. Hardcore, Big Top, Eloise, In Your Dreams, WTB? and honorary hasher Nathan were hashing at the Cloudy Bay Winery in Marlborough. Nathan was briefly spotted on the trail but decided to detour to the Moa Brewery to do some research.

Next run details
When:  Sunday 4th January, 5 pm
Where: B&W and Trudi Fruti's mansion near Jolly's Lookout
Hares:  B&W and Trudi Fruti

On, on!

Monday, December 22, 2014

The run before Christmas 2014

Gosh! There really are some pleasant leafy byways in Bardon and Ashgrove!  Gastrick and Miss Fit (assisted by Nunu) introduced us to a number of them this last Sunday. They set a run and walk which featured a number of challenging checks, some slightly hilly bushland sections, and some shady creek verges. They led us past some interesting and varied samples of domestic architecture and around what must be the biggest dog park in Brisbane. Snags, panettone and mince pies followed as we replenished our precious bodily fluids. Good on yer, hares!

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, Superhacker interrupted her Research Retreat to gatecrash Hardcore, Eloise and Bigtop's holiday.  Another offshore meet for Samford Hash!

Next Sunday's Yuletide Recovery Run will give us a chance to get rid of some extra Christmas kilos as well as our surplus turkey, ham and pud....

A Happy Christmas to all Samford Hashers! And, as Tiny Tim remarked, "God bless us, every one!"

Next run details
When: Sunday 28th December, 5 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: M. Promptu will set the run; Potluck will cater. (Please bring some Christmas leftovers to share.)

On, on!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mud and wine tour

This Sunday's run started near that interesting geological phenomenon, the Aspley mud springs - and both runners and walkers passed the site. The runners then took a winding route through the wine-buffs' suburb that adjoins it, running along and passing streets named after champagne, shiraz, riesling, sherry, cabernet, tokay and so on. (It was a good place to work up a thirst.) Exploring new areas is always fun, and some of the 1970s architecture was (shall we say) very interesting....A pleasant stroll along Cabbage Tree Creek completed the circuit.

A number of visitors joined us for the run and the walk, and Payback was back again, pounding the trail in his inimitable way. Many thanks to our hares!

Here's a little compilation from our boating weekend:

And here's a song from that rare creature, the Finnish Blue parrot. (Leave Pass joined in a bit too):

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st December, 5 pm
Where: Gastrick and Miss Fit's Bardon mansion
Hares: Gastrick and Miss Fit

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Three-day Hashfest!

After 3 days of Hash piracy last weekend, we've all just enjoyed another frenetic 3 days of Hashtivities. All of us, that is, except for Payback. Here he is (complete with alcohol drip) in his hospital bed:

The good news is that he is now back home after 5 days in quod and will be doing the Wednesday run!

Saturday night found us at another Hash Christmas party at Haughty and Culture's. The Pacific Rim theme was treated fairly liberally:

Strine took out the award for the best costume, though there were some hot contenders:

The stayers finished up with a big breakfast on the deck:

This event was followed up by Leave Pass's run on Sunday. Who'd think the walkers could get lost in Upper Kedron? And Leave Pass's Rogans were all beautifully Joshed. As Le W*nk would say, "Many tanks, bro!"

And then Monday saw a goodly contingent taking part in the Red Dress Run, though some were put off by the threat of storms and tempests. Here's the group, minus Superhacker (it was hard to drag her away from the bar for the photo):

And here is the absentee. Hopalong sported some stylish headgear:

Gastrick frocked up in a cute little number for his first Red Dress event:

And Amazing was asked to prove that she was at least 18 when some of the walkers turned off trail for a pit stop at the Casino:

Next run details
When: Sunday 14th December, 5 pm
Where: Rotary Park, corner Graham Road and Gympie Road, Aspley. A map! (Note: you may find parking spaces at the neighbouring sports club)
Hares: Jamesbondage and Redbreast

On, on!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Pirates of the Tweed

Arrr, me hearties! And avast, ye scurvy swabs! As the Water Rat* says:
"there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats....Nothing seems really to matter, that's the charm of're always busy, and you never do anything in particular...."
And we did have a very pleasant weekend messing about in boats and doing nothing in particular. We really have to thank Strine for taking on the major task of organising the boats and ourselves - she did a magnificent job. Thanks also to all the cooks, galley hands, cocktail bartenders and swabbers of the decks - we certainly ate and drank well!

Here are a few stills from the forthcoming motion picture production Pirates of the Tweed.

Misty dawn on the river:

Perfect weather in Tumbulgum:

One that didn't get away (another one got away with Payback's rod and reel as well):

Pirate Hugandkiss celebrates drenching the defenders of the Blue Bayou during a successful pirate raid:

Hash walk in Condong - surprise, surprise! - the trail took in the bar at the Condong Bowls Club:

Men and women overboard:

An interesting inlet. Is that a sandbar ahead, Leave Pass?

More pirate raiders:

Pirates with parrots:

Sunset and Mt Warning:

Look out for more to come, including the movie....

And here are a few shots from our highly educational study tour the week before (thanks to Shockjock for these):

The trail:

On the trail:

The group we started with:

Some serious drinkers:

And some stayers at the end of the evening:

Over the next few days we have a real Hashfest coming up!
  • Hash Christmas on Saturday from 5 pm at Haughty and Culture's! The theme: "The Pacific Rim". And please remember a unisex Secret Santa gift to the value of $10! Sleepover facilities available.
  • A "normal" Sunday run at Leave Pass's
  • The Red Dress run at the Plough Inn, Southbank on Monday - register by 6 pm for a 6:30 pm start. The $10 run fee goes to the Salvos.
And finally - don't forget Hugandkiss and Mile High's Jewellery and Accessories Expo this weekend as well! This could be the answer to your Christmas gift problem!

Next run details (Sunday run)
When: Sunday 7th December, 5 pm
Where: Leave Pass's palace in Upper Kedron
Hare: Leave Pass

*In Kenneth Graham's The Wind in the Willows, of course.

On, on!