Monday, October 31, 2022

The horror! The horror! 2022

What could be more horrible than this?

Once again a motley collection of mad monks, moggies, witches, wizards and other weirdos took to the streets for our annual Halloween run/walk this last Sunday. Here are some of them gathering in the Ferny Grove Sports Club car park:

And here is one of the traditional group shots, with Floater and Upstanding looking the most horrifying of the lot:

Our hare Floater had set a fairly lengthy trail around the back blocks of Upper Kedron, and given our 5 pm start, it was well dark by the time the last of the walkers got back. Who knows how many innocent people were terrified as they caught a glimpse of them looming out of the gloom?

Here are a few shots of the walk, courtesy of Snappy. One of them should provide a bit of nostalgia for Superhacker....

Once back at the Sports Club, a number of us took full advantage of their special on Balter XPA before and while enjoying the range of Asian fare on offer:

As well as Halloween, we were celebrating hare Floater's birthday, firstly with a giant cake:

and then with a traditional birthday down, down:

The choice of first prize for costume was a no-brainer (cue: insert zombi joke here). Wonder how long it took him to wash it off? A horny Culture was the runner-up:

Thanks to our hare for the trail and organizing the table!

Now for a date-claimer. The Brisbane Red Dress Run will take place on Monday 28th November, from the Brunswick Hotel in New Farm. We generally have a substantial Samford contingent fronting up, and we always have a good time. It's a very pleasant way of raising a bit of dosh for the Salvos. Here's the flyer - and if you look carefully, you might recognise a few faces in the photo from last year's run....

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 6th November, 5 pm

Where: Parksedge Street, Upper Kedron. A map!

Hare: Leave Pass

On, on!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Be your scary self at 5 pm

It's that time of year once more when you're invited to take off the mask you usually wear and come as your scary real self - and to arrive at 5 pm! Look back over the blog archives and you'll see what our members really look like - as revealed on previous Halloween runs and walks. Let's see who you really 5 pm this coming Sunday!

Here is a run (and walk) report for this last Sunday's meet compiled from details provided by Payback - blame him for any inaccuracies, folks!

Surprisingly (after a day and night of downpour) the rain held off last Sunday afternoon. It seems however that some (nameless) hashers had been sufficiently spooked by the wet to decide that a guard was necessary to keep the drinks and nibbles dry, and that they should form such a guard. Consuming the drinks and nibbles was one way to prevent them getting rained on as well....

Both runners and walkers spent some time standing around helplessly after they lost the trail. It was supposed to go up an easement that many dismissed as mythical - but after much discussion and phone consultation the route was finally found. 

Shock Jock is suffering mortgage stress, and clearly harvesting road kill is one way of saving on groceries. He showed a morbid interest in the dead things along the route. One was a fox, which he introduced to Pablo (as a way of saving on pet food) but Pablo had better taste and turned his nose up at it....

Back home at the hares' place Saucy Sous produced four courses of gastronomic delights - much better than road kill! She is now a proud grandmother to Roman, and known affectionately in the French way as 'Meme' (accents on each e). Dumbell was asked what he will be know as, and he replied that he didn't mind as long as he wasn't called late for dinner. Given the quality of Saucy Sous' dinners, that is hardly surprising. Many thanks to our hares!

There were heaps of photos taken this Sunday - here's a selection:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 30th October at 5 pm (Halloween Run)

Where: Ferny Grove Sports Club, corner Tramway Street and Samford Road, Ferny Grove. A map!

Hares: Floater and Scratchit. To celebrate Floater's birthday and Halloween, a Malaysian feast will be prepared by the Little Nyonya Kitchen!

On, on!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

A great pity...

that no-one took any pictures on the run or walk this last Sunday, because some of the views through the trees and over the river were really beautiful. Our hares took us first past some manicured gardens in the estate, and then via a tricky turn (at least the runners found it tricky, only finding it after a long diversion) down to a boardwalk bordering the North Pine. Here an area of Bungwall fern would have been a source of tucker in the past...but there would have been a lot more tucker in the river itself. The trail then had to skirt and divert through an area of some sort of construction (what is the council doing here?) before taking us along the riverside trackway to enjoy some sweeping vistas and a bit of birdwatching. All in all, a very enjoyable and well-marked walk and run!

Back home we feasted on some "deconstructed" burgers (though it seems more likely that they were never previously constructed) followed by ice-cream, fruit and chocolate sauce...yum!...all probably much more palatable than Bungwall fern....Many thanks to Budgie and Miss Behavin'

A few replete hashers:

In discussion during the circle we confirmed that the 2022 Hash Christmas party will be on the 17th of December, at Haughty and Culture's.

And here, once more, are the details for the current SPADEwerx production. Leave Pass is organising a Hash table for the Friday 4th November performance, so (if you like) you can ask to sit at this when you ring up to book.

Next walk/run details

When: Sunday 23rd October, 4 pm (note that this is the last 4 pm run this year; the week after we will move to a 5 pm start)

Where: Westbourne Park - corner of Westbourne Drive and Cumberland Road, Wights Mountain. A map!

Hares: Saucy Sous and Dumbell

(Please email us if you need directions to this run/walk. And we suggest you bring chairs.)

On, on!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Terra incognita in Mitchie!

Le W*nk had been forced to set the trail for a second time after overnight rain washed away our hares' first attempt. And we really needed his pink trail markings, because our route lay through some really unknown bits of Mitchelton (unknown to us at least) - along some interesting little alleyways and through some twisty little diversions and turns. Some tricky arrow placements had the front runners doing a lot of on-backs, even though the markings were obvious once they'd been pointed out....It was good to have Prattle and friend joining the runners this week!

Here are some walkers in front of a sign commemorating local hero John Eales:

Back at the hares' there was some helpful(?) discussion on how to renovate a flooded garden - before we tucked in to a range of tucker which accommodated all our various intolerances and preferences. Many thanks to our hares! (And, as usual, to our beermeisters and winos!)

TT 2020 shirts have finally arrived for those who were registered for Interhash 2020. A couple were being worn on Sunday, and very pretty they were - but we didn't get a picture. We might schedule a group photo of the contingent that Covid defeated when we are all together sometime. Le W*nk, in the meantime, has the task of distributing shirts and bags across all of Queensland and NSW - good on him for volunteering!

Coming up:

1. Our Halloween meet is scheduled for the 30th October (hares: Floater and Scratchit). We traditionally move to our Summer start time for this run - so please note that on the 30th October we will meet in all our Halloween finery at 5 pm!

2. The SPADEwerx production "Three Tales and a Dog" (featuring Hash canine Gunter and his mum and dad, as well as a couple of other hashers and hangers-on) is scheduled for 28th October in Dayboro and the 4th, 5th and 6th of November in Samford. Tickets can be bought over the phone from Samford Design and Print - 3289 5241. Here is a flyer for your reference:

3. The date for our 2022 Hash Christmas party was discussed in the circle on Sunday. The general preference seemed to be for Saturday 17th December, although Saturday 10th might also be a possibility. The "Christmas on Main Street" event, in which some of us are involved, is scheduled for Saturday 3rd December. We'll discuss the date further on Sunday, and if you have any strong preferences please make sure they are heard. We've had one offer of a venue, but again, this is up for further discussion and offers.

Finally - Jamesbondage and Redbreast are on the road again. They've sent this picture of themselves at the start of their Hash walk on Sunday. As they've said, it was quite long (1600 km) but there were no hills....

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 16th October, 4 pm

Where: Miss Behavin' and Budgie's Murrumba Downs manorhouse

Hares: Budgie, Miss Behavin' and Co.

(If you need directions to this meet, please email us.)

On, on!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Golden window

It had rained in the morning and rained again in the evening, but the Hash gods arranged for the sky to stay clear long enough for Payback to set the trail and for us to follow it (well, sort of) in the afternoon. And a very pretty trail it was. It's been a while since we went through Kumbartcho Sanctuary, and there's been a lot of work done there since we did...upgraded tracks, new plantings, children's play areas, and lots of plant signage. It would be worthwhile going back for a closer look sometime.

And for the walkers who had the scent of home in their nostrils and so missed the left turn into the second loop and the trail along another section of the Pine River - well, it might be worth your while going back for a bit of an explore sometime too. Many thanks to Payback for setting the route! Here are a few shots from the walk, courtesy of Saucy Sous:

Back home we set about wrapping ourselves around the nosh provided by Cash Converta and Culture - yum! And thanks as always to the beermeisters and winos!

The sky was not only clear, but it provided another scenic sunset - this one captured by Cash Converta. It doesn't look as though more rain is on its way, does it?

In other news, it seems that in the aftermath of an unpleasant incident on a recent Hash weekend away, a person is being charged with assaulting one of our members....

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 9th October, 4 pm

Where: Le W*nk and Lax's Mitchelton kingdom

Hares: Lax, Le W*nk and Co.

Please bring chairs. (And if you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!