Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ozday 2015 - Oi, oi, oi!

Ozday 2015! Once again we celebrated all things Australian - and I don't just mean things like craven attempts to ingratiate ourselves with the Pommy royal family. (Though what could be more Australian than tugging our forelocks to our British masters?) I mean more substantial things - like going out into the sun on a really hot day, downing lots of beer and wolfing meat pies and mushy peas....

Our traditional Ozday hares, Payback and Cash Converta, laid on a run/walk that explored the back blocks of Eaton's Hill and took us along the South Pine. The water in this section of the river smelt less inviting than it looked, but this didn't deter the canine runners from cooling off.

Back home we enjoyed the traditional fare (pies, snags, pavs), indulged in some traditional thong tossing, and sang Waltzing Matilda in a way that would have brought tears to Banjo Patterson's eyes. Thanks to our hares!

(Most of) the group refusing to leave the shade at the start:

Super Aussies Superhacker and Hopalong:

"Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda with me?"

Shockjock shows how it's done:

Payback, our Champion Senior Tosser, receives his award (thanks to Eweshggr for donating these):

Junior Champ Hopalong:

Superhacker - clear winner of the Best Dressed Award:

Next run details
When: Sunday 1st February, 5 pm
Where: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour's Bunya brewery
Hares: Darcy, Miss Demeanour, Shockjock and Co.

(If you need directions to this run, please email us....)

On, on!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Despite the oppressive heat, 23 hashers turned up last Sunday. Mile High and Hugandkiss marked a trail along the South Pine River, which made things a lot cooler. Along the route, Shock Jock detoured to the soon to be opened micro brewery. With his nose pressed up against the front window, he spent some time drooling over all the stainless steel equipment.

Amazing and Le W*nk were off to Cambodia that evening. It's going to be very quiet with Le W*nk missing for the next few weeks.

As Payback forgot to take his camera on Sunday, here is a picture from the archives (Christmas in July 2013):

Next run details
When:  Sunday 25th January, 5 pm
Where: HT Ireland Reserve, Eatons Hill
Hares:  Payback and Cashconverta

On, on

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Down by the riverside

The runners had a wonderful time last Sunday along the South Pine River, rock hopping and splashing about. At one point the river couldn't be crossed, so the runners spent some time scratching their heads to work out what to do. Luckily, Gastrick took the initiative and found a way across further upriver.

Meanwhile, the walkers did some walking somewhere.

At the circle, old fart Payback was given a down down to celebrate his 60th birthday (as ordered by our RA Haughty, who is currently in Sith Ifrica). Unfortunately, Payback suffers from a severe disability. In fact, it's one of the worst disabilities a hasher can ever have - that is, the inability to skol a stubby of beer. Ever compassionate Le Wank saved the day by giving him a beer shampoo instead.

Here is a picture of Payback trying to force it down:

Next run details
When:  Sunday 18th January, 5 pm
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt O'reilly Road, Samford Valley
Hares:  Mile High & Hugandkiss

On, on

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A jolly good run

Last Sunday's run through the rain forest at Jollys Lookout was quite spectacular, with winding trails, towering trees and lots of fresh air. Even the leeches didn't dampen our admiration for the wonders of nature.

The barbecue chicken wings and camp oven vegetables were no less spectacular. What a great start to the new year - thanks B&W and Trudi Fruiti.

A few of us savouring the aroma from the camp ovens:

Next run details
When:  Sunday 11th January, 5 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares:  Pot luck, so bring some food along to share