Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Every person and his/her dog

seemed to have turned up for the first run of the year! The newest Hash canine - Pablo - was eager to be introduced, but was a bit lazy about tackling the walk or run:

Hands up, now - who believed Shockjock when he described the route as "flat"? How charmingly naive you are! Let's just say it was a typical Bunya run, made a bit worse by our Christmas excesses and warmish conditions. Mollie hitched a ride after exhausting herself at a SPADEwerx panto rehearsal:

And Le W*nk submerged himself in the pool, claiming that he needed to practice his breaststroking. We expect a report from Lax on whether the practice helped....

A failure in some new equipment meant that Shockjock's latest brews have been named "Mediocre" (a pilsner); "Aftertaste" (a brown ale) and "Immature" (a black IPA). To tell the truth, though, his worst brews are still better than the best efforts of many home brewers - after all, he was the Brisbane Brew Club's trophy-winning champion for 2018!

Many thanks, hares, for a great run/walk and meal!

Payback and his sister Megaphone are digging up their roots (spuds, of course) in the Old Country. She kissed the Blarney Stone, though heaven knows why she would need any assistance with talking:

And Payback pulled some of Ireland's finest behind the bar. It looks, though, as though he rather selfishly poured only enough Guinness for himself.

Let's record Lax's safety message for posterity. She urged us to drink responsibly and drive carefully. She said that she would like us to die peacefully in our sleep, as her grandfather did - and not in agony, like his passengers....

Finally, if you haven't yet booked your seat for the fourth SPADEwerx pantomime set in Sameford, it's not too late:

Next run details
When: Sunday 13th January, 5 pm
Where: Downfall Creek Bushland Centre (Raven Street Reserve), Rode Road. A map!
Hares: Urass and Bigtop

On, on!