Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Been a while....

It's been quite a while since we visited the area that Le W*nk and Lax took us through this last Sunday. A trawl through the archives shows that Jamesbondage and Redbreast set a trail around there back in 2011 - the day after an elegant evening of competitive cocktail concocting. And in 2013 Le W*nk took the runners on a smelly trail that actually went up the bed of Kedron Brook. Ahhh - those were the days, eh? Before anyone thought it was wrong to chuck garbage in a creek?

As you'd expect, things have changed a bit in the area. There are lots of new houses on smaller and smaller blocks. But the hills haven't got any less steep....

Around 28 of us (including a couple of newbies/visitors) gathered back at the park for some traditional snorts, snags and salads. Birthday boy Leave Pass provided dessert for the masses.

And it was just 6 sleeps to go for lovebirds Tatty and Squelch. Hope your preparations for getting hitched go without a hitch!

Meanwhile...a couple of wandering hashers, Idle Vice and Upstanding, have been enjoying the European heatwave. Here they both are, looking for some lonely Alpine goats to herd:

And here he is, living up to his name on a pristine lake:

Next run details
When: Sunday 7th July, 4 pm
Where: Collins Road, Everton Hills (Alfredson Park - near where the pie van parks). A map!
Hare: Floater

(Expect to see you there, Tatty and Squelch.)

On, on!