Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Wonder woman wander

In the absence of Scratchit, Wonder Woman Floater not only set a varied and interesting trail, but served up a meal incorporating home-grown produce, home-made cheese and home-made sauerkraut. Talk about raising the bar! Many thanks, and congratulations!

It was a cold, wet, raw day, which may have discouraged some members from turning up. But it didn't discourage parents of the bride, Cadbury and Shaggy at the end of a big week and weekend for them. Congratulations to Tatty and Squelch! Here are a few shots from a lovely wedding:

Oi, oi!

We welcomed a visitor - Robinson Crusoe - from Thirsty Hash:

And someone who has been turning up for a while received his hash moniker with the usual ceremony. Welcome, Ramjet!

Next run details
When: Sunday 14th July, 4 pm
Where: Richard Lee Reserve, Flinders Way, Albany Creek. A map!
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage

On, on!