Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bunya nuts

Our latest Hash Weekend Away saw 19 of us heading back up to the Bunya Mountains for the first time in a few years - and imbibing (amongst other things) a healthy dose of culture at the Jimbour Opera festival.

Jimbour Cool: What do you think? Is this more like a Country Road ad or an album cover?

On Friday evening Payback presided over one of his traditional cheap-wine-tasting competitions, which we took very seriously. Alas! Most of us had not put in enough practice, as our woeful scores indicated. Memories of school reports came back to us as Payback made his comments: "a disappointing effort"..."could do better"..."results indicate a lack of commitment". The starring performance was by Eweshggr, who scored a massive 5 out of 10! A lifetime of dedicated plonk-drinking clearly pays off!

On Saturday we headed off to Jimbour Homestead. Some were early enough to catch the orchestra and soloists in rehearsal, as well as having a wander around the manicured gardens.

A couple of hours of serious music appreciation followed, with both Superhacker and Shockjock getting into the spirit of things - each in their own way.

In a slightly truncated Christmas in July celebration Payback played Santa on Saturday evening.

And some of us did find time over the weekend to take to the national park trails:

Meanwhile, in Alaska, Charcoal sported a Samford Hash shirt in the foreground while Denali sported an ice costume on the horizon. He was later snapped wearing a Yaraka shirt (acquired during our 2016 excursion) on an Alaskan glacier. It's a long way from Yaraka!

Here's a great glacier shot by Strine:

And here's a view of an Alaskan beaver dam for those who didn't realise that beavers are also swimming animals:

Back in Samford, a hardy and jolly group of stay-at-homes staggered to the pub after a bit of a circuit.

Next run details
When: Sunday 4th August, 4 pm
Where: Mungarra Reserve, Affleck Avenue, Petrie. A map!
Hares: Budgie and Miss Behavin'

On, on!