Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Soup of the evening - beautiful soup!

"Who for such dainties would not stoop? Soup of the evening - beautiful soup!"* Redbreast and Feral between them produced three tureens of beautiful soup this Sunday - all very welcome on a cold evening. Feral also helped Jamesbondage set the trail, and was evidently responsible for some pretty tricky checks. Thank, hares, and well done!

[*There's a fun rendition of the song by someone who looks a bit like Alice Liddell here; and another good version by New England band The Frost Heaves here.]

Our route took us through a mix of familiar and unfamiliar territory. Culture snapped these dozing bats along the way:

Like the bats, we wrapped ourselves up against the conditions. It will be colder in the Bunyas in a couple of weeks, though...Dalby recorded -4.8 degrees overnight, and the Bunya Mountains would have been colder.

Meanwhile in Tokyo, Where's the Beef? and In Your Dreams continue to fly the Samford Hash flag. He says that members of the Sumo Hash are serious Hash fashionistas ("They all love to dress to the nines"), so it's flattering to find that our shirts make the cut. He notes that it's still rainy season in Tokyo so they are pictured at "a wet run with a live hare." In Your Dreams is "quite busy helping to gear up for 2020 Olympics and we've also been busy with helping organize 2019 Nash Hash Japan which will be outside Tokyo." They send greetings to everyone in Samford.

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st July, 4 pm
Where: Banger and Make an Offer's hilltop hacienda in Dayboro
Hares: Make an Offer and Banger

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!