A few regulars were very soiree to miss out, including Leave Pass (in Japan), Topless (in Germany) and Miss Demeanour and kids (in Disposed). But here are some snaps of some snappy dressers...
Three elegant ladies (Warnie, if you're reading this and want their contacts, just email us):

One elegant lady:

And another:

Two elegant oldtimers:

But who let these two in?

And would you really want to run with this man?

Surprise, surprise! Hardcore does not always wear runners!

And here are some elegant blokes (spot the odd man out):

The cocktail competition was the main event, and there were some pretty stunning contenders for the top rankings:

Eweshagger's tasty concoction - with its tasteless name - definitely came tops for looks:

But in the end, he and Shockjock shared the honours:

One of the losers took to sucking his thumb:

And Hardcore had to comfort another:

Payback easily won the bra-removal competition:

But the Deportment competition was very hard to judge:

All in all - a great night - plenty to drink - and plenty to celebrate. Thanks to all for their contributions....and you'll be relieved to know that Shockjock did not actually expire of thirst:

Jamesbondage and Redbreast followed this classy event up with a classy run through Stafford and Enoggera. It proved an intelligence test for the runners - which they passed with flying colours! The walk/run took in a section of Kedron Brook that we have never explored before...eventually, I guess, we will have traversed its full length. Leftovers supplemented a great casserole - those who missed out really did miss out!
Runs for the next couple of weeks are also out of the valley.
Next run details
When: Sunday 20th February, 5 pm
Where: Jack Speare Park, Indooroopilly. Here's a map.
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong
On, on!