Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Rain, rain go away...and it did

Here's Payback's run report for Sunday's excursion - thanks to him!

"Although we expected a Woolcock Park washout, the afternoon proved rain free as we traipsed around the alternate Wilston trail. However, the humidity took its toll, with the hashers returning in a lather of sweat.

As it was kerbside collection time, there were lots of interesting items placed on the footpaths. Some of the hashers couldn’t help themselves and souvenired a few objects. Back at the hares’ lair there were various comments about some of the good stuff that had been thrown out. Wilston definitely provides a better class of rubbish for collection.

Once we cooled off with a few cold beverages, Idle Vice and Upstanding treated us with sausages and healthy side dishes. Decadent home made brownies, chocolates and jelly snakes followed."

Here are some of Snappy's pics from the occasion - thanks to her!

No rain at all, after a morning in which it bucketed down:

Gathering and chalk talk:

Plenty of dogs on the walk:

Back at the hares':


Earlier in the week a number of us gathered to cheer on our entrants in the Dayboro International Beer Mile. Due to injury and illness there were only three runners in Samford Hash shirts this year, and they all did very well....It was a fast race too, with the winner clocking a time of 9 minutes, compared to last year's winning time of 10 mins and 38 seconds! Congrats to Banger, Le W*nk and Shockjock for completing the course and keeping the beer down. And they were not too exhausted after the mile to go on and run the 3-legged race as well!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 4th February, 5 pm

Where: Farmers' Hall, Samford Village. Meet on grass beside the hall.

Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!