Monday, February 5, 2024

Stroll around the debris

Last Monday night Samford made the news for copping over 300 mm of rain in just a few hours - and the evidence of it was everywhere to be seen during a steamy toddle through the village. The level at which Samford Creek had peaked was quite impressive, and we passed at least one house that had been flooded. 

Our original hares, B&W and Trudi Fruti, had had to pull out of hosting us at Jolly's Lookout because they were busy dealing with a landslip; another couple of hashers had had part of their ceiling collapse; and another couple had spent the week dealing with a fallen tree that required a 360-tonne crane to clean up. It was quite a weather-filled week....

Despite the persistent heat and humidity, some 29 or 30 or us turned up at the Farmers' Hall. Walkers had the choice of a medium or short option - and guess which the majority chose! Meanwhile those who completed the 8 km run came home completely drenched. Shockjock was so dehydrated that he was even spotted with a XXXX in hand as he replenished his precious bodily fluids - piling one insult to his body on top of another!

Thai curry and pizza made for an interesting international gastronomic experience.

Another significant event this week was the release of the Queenstown run list, with its coded "Lord of the Rings" run descriptions. A sheet was circulated which gave those of us going to NZ an opportunity to share our preferences. The application form comes out on Wednesday, and those who're planning on doing the Ballbreaker will have to be quick - there are only 100 spaces.

Here are some shots from this Sunday, courtesy of  Snappy - thanks again to her!

Gathering of the clan around the grassy knoll:

The walk:

Back home:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 11th February, 5 pm

Where: Back in the village again, at John Scott Park

Hares: M. Promptu will set the trail. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!