Monday, December 20, 2021

Flight of the peafowl

Summer holidays, open borders. omicron, booster side effects, and general seasonal busy-ness - a concatenation (good word, that) of circumstances conspired to limit numbers on our last run/walk before Christmas. Those who turned up enjoyed(?) a shortish but steep and gravelly trail that earned hare Haughty a down, down later. Here he is, alongside birthday girl Lax:

Here are some illustrative shots of the walk and run, including one of the 45-degree final section:

Back at the hares' place in Cedar Creek, George achieved something special - he managed to scare the flock of invading peafowl Culture and Haughty have been plagued with, and send them flapping into the trees. (Unfortunately they're animals with very small brains and short memories - George would probably have to repeat the feat several thousand times before they really learnt the lesson.) Why "peacocks"? "Poococks" would be more appropriate....

A happy Christmas, all! We're expecting very few of us to gather next Sunday (Boxing Day), but Le W*nk and Lax have volunteered to kick off 2022 with something special on the following week...and after nearly 2 years of the pandemic, surely things can only get better....

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 26th December, 5 pm

Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village (we'd originally said Undambi, but things have changed)

Hares: M. Promptu will set the walk/run; Potluck will supply Christmas leftovers. And due to the absence of both Beermeisters and W(h)iners, please BYO drinks as well.

On, on!