Monday, October 5, 2020

A Camino hill?

A number of Samford hashers have walked the Camino de Santiago - some of them more than once. And lots of people use the inclines around Wahminda to train for the pilgrimage. So when hare Underpass announced that Sunday's trail included a "Camino hill" the walkers knew what to expect. In the event we enjoyed a very pleasant walk and run in beautiful weather conditions. And we followed it up with yet another visit to the Ferny Grove Bowls Club:

...where Kermit's meal included blue rice!

Many thanks to our hares!

Of course this was a long weekend within the school holidays, and a number of us were away, doing the sorts of things that Samford hashers do. In the area around Rainbow Beach Shaggy and Cadbury were doing some walking

and also some fishing

Meanwhile in St George, the fish were fighting back:

Only one or two things shattered the tranquility of this peaceful western town (and Lax was not one of them):

Upstanding and Idle Vice packed two holidays into the last couple of weeks - a kombi road trip to Woodgate:

...and then a 5 star trip to crocodile-infested Palm Cove. (Not sure if they took these shots, or just copied them off a brochure)

Thanks to Mile High for these fashion shots showing what the well-dressed traveler on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail is wearing these days:

And thanks to Superhacker for this snippet capturing an altercation between members of the Pink Team last weekend:

Next run details

When: Sunday 11th October, 4 pm

Where: Upstanding and Idle Vice's Wilston wigwam

Hares: Idle Vice and Upstanding

On, on!