Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Wild hogs ride again!

This last weekend saw the 3rd iteration of the Samford Hash "Wild Hogs Bike Tour", in which we took on the Moore to Esk section of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail - around 100 km over two days. Let's simply quote Leave Pass's words, silently correcting some of his Alternative Facts:

"Oh what a lovely time 23 bike riders and numerous supporters had on the Moore to Esk 48km bike ride along the old railway line. The peloton came swooping into Esk at about 3.30 pm to a welcome cold beer or 2 under the rotunda and thence to the Grand Hotel for more cold libations and a good country feed and then a well earned rest only to get up the next day and do it in reverse. Only one tumble by Superhacker resulting in a wonderfully photogenic swelling of the lower back. Even the Wiggles bikies were there. Weather sooooo brilliant too and lots of shopping at the markets including throws, singing bowls and Tibetan stuff, even a farm bell!! Defo return trip in not too distant future."

There were many pictures to pick from, courtesy of multiple hashers. Here's a selection - and I'm sure there will be more in future posts:

Here's the lucky 13 riders at the start, all fresh and frisky:

The Wiggles:

Some of the scenic views along the way:

And a colourful sunset scene on Superhacker's back:

En route:

A break or two:


The crowd in Esk:

All in all, a great weekend! Many thanks to Shockjock and Miss Demeanour for making all the arrangements! And thanks to all for some great company and good memories!

Now, a reminder: Tatty and Squelch are holding a "not baby shower" on 10th October at the Samford pub. Please remember to RSVP through the Hash email....

Next run details

When: Sunday 4th October, 4 pm

Where: Meet at Wahminda Park - a map! We will then be proceeding once more to the Ferny Grove Bowls Club to replenish our precious bodily fluids and enjoy some excellent Malaysian cuisine. Please let us know by email if you are attending, so that Underpass can book.

Hares: Underpass, Overpass and Kermit will be setting the trail. Catering by Ferny Grove Bowls Club.

On, on!