Monday, September 21, 2020

Magpies and doggy bags

Miss Demeanour and Shockjock arrived this last Sunday from a training ride in preparation for next weekend's Wild Hogs bike tour.  They told a harrowing tale of being attacked by some magpies which closely resembled the velociraptors in Jurassic Park. Riders be warned: there are similar savage flying dinosaurs on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail!

Shaggy had set the walkers a pleasant flat stroll along the upper reaches of Kedron Brook - a route that allowed plenty of breath for talking along the way. The runners added a a km or two extra and a hill or two. And then 34 of us headed off once more to the Ferny Grove Bowls Club for another very tasty meal. Judging by the number of doggy bags we took away, the portions were again pretty large....

We celebrated Idle Vice's birthday in our usual quaint fashion. And Tatty gave notice of a "sort of" Baby Shower on the 10th October. For those hashers who had such a good time at her and Squelch's wedding last year, this is a "sort of" follow-up event. Look for an email about this one.

And many thanks to our hare!

A number of hashers spent the middle of last week camped by Lake Somerset, which looks pretty pretty in these shots from Redbreast and Payback. Pity about some of the objects in the foreground....

Next weekend will see the push bikers among us making our third excursion along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail - filling in the gap we have left between Esk and Moore. You'll find some memories of the first two events here and here. A number of non-bikers will be making their motorized way to Esk, joining the bikers for dinner and the night, and no doubt walking or running a segment of the trail near Esk. The stay-at-homes agreed on a pot-luck BYO meet at John Scott Park.

Next run details

1. Bikers - leaving at 9 am on Saturday 26th September from Moore. Returning, all being well, on Sunday afternoon to Moore. Spending the night at the Grand Hotel in Esk.

2. Support crew and cheer squad - whatever arrangements you have made for sampling the shopping and cafe scene between Samford and Esk on Saturday 26th. Ditto plus walk/run on Sunday. Spending the night at the Grand Hotel in Esk.

3. Stay-at-homes - M. Promptu and Potluck run/walk - John Scott Park - Sunday 27th September, 4 pm

On, on!