Monday, September 14, 2020

Ferny Grove gourmandizing

Our trial of the "pub run" format this last Sunday was an undoubted success - so much so that those present voted to repeat the experience this coming weekend.

Jamesbondage had set the trail from the Ferny Grove railway station, where we gathered as a loose collection of 28 unrelated people (thanks to Hugandkiss for this shot):

Our hare then took the walkers on a flattish ramble around the area, in which they passed both the Tramway Museum and some amazing bicycle jumps at the Tramway Street Reserve. The runners covered some of the same ground, but added some loops into two parts of Keperra and a little bit of Ferny Hills.

Many thanks to Jamesbondage for some diligent trail marking!

Then came the real surprise of the evening - the quality and quantity of the meals at the Ferny Grove Bowls Club! What a treat! The consensus in the circle was to return next Sunday to give us a chance to explore the menu further....

Next run details

When: Sunday 20th September, 4 pm

Where: Meet at the Ferny Grove Railway Station, near the platform entrance. After the run/walk we'll proceed once more to the Ferny Grove Bowls Club. We'll be making a booking for those who have responded to emails....

Hare: Shaggy

On, on!