Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Wild hogs and wild weather

Who came up with the name "Wild Hogs' Tour" for our weekend bike trip? Dunno - but someone had warned the landlord at the historic Grand Hotel in Esk and we found tables reserved for dinner in that name. Perhaps they'd even put on extra staff in the expectation we'd live up to it?

Anyway, the 15 hashers and hangers-on who spent a leisurely 2 days riding the rail trail between Fernvale and Esk behaved as well as their bikes did. The weather was beaut and most of us had prepared our saddles well enough for 90 km of bottom-bruising bumps. And there was plenty of time for the odd noggin along the way....(Photo credits: Floater and Miss Demeanour)

Many thanks to Shockjock for his excellent organisation of the excursion...and thanks to all for being such excellent company.

Back in Samford, only 3 or 4 trail-riders joined the stayathomes for our regular Sunday meet (I heard that one or two others went straight to bed when they got back??) The heavens had opened, which meant a few folk were reluctant to leave the shelter and head off into the downpour and the Royal Estates. But Potluck as usual provided a right-royal feast. Thanks to all for their contributions!

Next run details
When: Sunday 23rd June, 4 pm.
Where: J. C. Slaughter Falls Picnic Area, Mt. Coot-tha (meet near the first toilet block on the right and try to look like consenting adults.) Here's a map:

Hares: Superhacker (and Hopalong?)

On, on!