Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Stairways to heaven

[This week's run report comes to you courtesy of Payback - thanks to him!]

Arana Hills lived up to its name as 21 odd hashers braved a series of never ending flights of stairs. The stairs didn't quite reach heaven, but it was hell trying to negotiate them. 

Despite the aching legs, we enjoyed a well marked trail and encountered areas we hadn't been to before. 

At the circle we enjoyed a tasty pasta dish and some of Floater's delectable home made plum jam drops.  

Next Sunday is Bastille Day, so let's make an effort and dress up in our finest French attire. [Note: check the blog archives for inspiration if you need any!]

Here are some photos from the occasion, courtesy of Saucy Sous and Cash Converta. The first depicts Footsie's Rocky-style fist-pump as she conquered 142 stairs (who counted them, BTW?):

Chalk talk (Le W*nk, be quiet!):
Back home at the park:


Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 14th July, 4 pm
Where: Saucy Sous and Dumbbell's Highvale chateau
Hares: Dumbbell and Saucy Sous

We suggest you bring chairs....

On, on!