Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Potluck poddle

The middle of the school holidays saw a number of us away, to points north, south, west - and in the case of one competitive sailor - east. We met at our familiar stamping ground in the middle of the village and M. Promptu led the way around the Samford circuit. Back home at John Scott Park, Potluck produced the usual varied and plentiful feast of starters, mains and dessert. Thanks to all for their contributions! 

The following is a rough transcription of the joke Leave Pass told in the circle. We thought it worthy of being recorded....
A duck walks into a bar at lunchtime and orders a steak sandwich and a beer. The barman is obviously astounded to hear the duck talk, and more impressed and intrigued as the bird calmly eats his meal, drinks his beer and leaves. The same happens the next day, and the next. The barman plucks up courage to make conversation. "You live around here?" "No", says the duck, "I'm working on the building site across the road." "And what do you do?" "I'm a plasterer." The barman tells all his friends about this, and a bit of a crowd starts to gather at the bar at lunchtime to surreptitiously watch the duck eat his lunch. Then a circus arrives in town, and the circus owner drops into the bar. He's told all about the duck, but obviously thinks that the barman is pulling his leg. Just then, however, the duck arrives and orders a steak sandwich and a beer. The circus owner is also astonished. He immediately offers the duck a job in the circus. "A circus -," asks the duck, "isn't that held in a big tent? And don't the people all live in caravans?" "Yes, that's it," says the circus owner. "Then what the hell would you need a plasterer for?"

And here are a few of Snappy's shots from the occasion:

There was no "Best dressed" competition at the Samford 1924 Day festival on Saturday. If there had been, Mile High and Hugandkiss would have been strong contenders for the prize!

A few more Samford hashers lined up outside the 1924 Flappers' Wine Bar (obviously):

And the next SPADEwerx production is just 3 weeks away. As usual, a number of hashers and Hash hangers-on are involved. Should be fun!

Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 7th July, 4 pm
Where: Narellen Park, near the Arana Hills Library - Cobbity Crescent, Arana Hills. A map!
Hares: Floater and Scratchit

We strongly suggest you bring chairs.

On, on!