Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wet and dry

Once again, Payback is the wordsmith responsible for this week's run report - thanks to him! Here is what he had to say:

"It was a drizzly afternoon and not many hashers were expected to turn up. However, surprisingly, 30 hardy souls decided to make an appearance. It goes to show that nothing stops a Samford Hasher when fine food is on the menu. And again, it was fine food – thanks, everyone!

There was a plethora of umbrellas as the walkers set off on the usual trail. The runners didn’t need such protection as they didn’t care if the got their hair/scalps wet. Perhaps they were preparing themselves for the Queenstown weather. Despite the outlook, it ended up a clear and sunny afternoon.

After the meal we had a round of jokes. Some were good and some, like Shock Jock’s dad jokes, were marginal. This area needs improvement!"

And here is a selection of Snappy's shots from the event:

The weather:

Walkers in the wet:

Runners drying out:

Back home for a potluck banquet:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 3rd March, 5 pm

Where: Dayboro, opposite the IGA. Park in the child care centre car park. A map!

Hares: Banger and Make an Offer

On, on!