Tuesday, November 16, 2021

"Let them eat cake"

Two of our favourite members tied the knot this weekend. Here they are, looking stunning (well, she is anyway - and he's scrubbed up pretty well too) as they walk down the grassy aisle:

And here they are making their vows:

There'll surely be a lot more pics to follow! An unexpected bonus for the Hash was that the newly weds donated the top tier of their wedding cake for the hungry hordes to devour on Sunday. Doesn't it look stunning too?

This old blogger wasn't at the run, so here are some extracts from reports by various members:

Banger: "[Hardcore] took us on an almost flat run (map attached)...all very enjoyable, with a great refreshing sea breeze. We did just over 7k but we could easily have done 10k. Leave Pass actually told a joke that was funny...LOL. Great food and thanks to the newly weds for the lovely cake."

Idle Vice: "It was a beautiful walk; initially along the foreshore [where] we passed ornate Victorian villas and waterfront picnic spots....a gourmet dinner. Dessert was a beautiful treat!"

Make an Offer: "We gathered on the cliff, went down the steps and walked along the seafront, with choppy waves lapping over and splashing the pathway. We passed over to 2nd Avenue and admired the beautiful architecture and an amazing Porche parked in a driveway....We made it to the lake in the town centre and then headed back to the...shore where the sun was setting. The breezes were amazing....[A feast] of pasta, salad and French sticks was shared. Then a beautiful top tier of...wedding cake appeared...decorated with fresh flowers....Some of us ladies didn't hesitate in sharing a flower each....A glorious relaxing end to the day [as we] sat in our circle [being] filmed by passing...people."

Many thanks to Bigtop and Hardcore for what was obviously a memorable run, walk and meal! 

Here are some of Snappy and Make an Offer's shots of members of the group on the cliff top, and on the walk:

It's sad to hear that Shaggy and Cadbury are going to be leaving us. Their house is on the market, and they've already bought in Hervey Bay - which, come to think of it, is not too far for a Hash weekend away....

A reminder: the 2021 Red Dress Run is now just a couple of weeks away. Here's another copy of the flyer:

And here is the link to follow in order to pay your $10 entry: www.fundraise.salvationarmy.org.au/red-dress-run-2021

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 21st November, 5 pm

Where: Parksedge Street, Upper Kedron. A map!

Hare: Leave Pass

On, on!