Monday, November 1, 2021

An Irish Halloween

Witches and warlocks, fiends and phantoms, wizards and werewolves, skeletons and other scary characters all gathered in Highvale this last Sunday for a Halloween haunting of the neighbourhood and an Irish Halloween feast. Medusa dropped in from ancient Greece, and a projectile vomiter from The Exorcist was there as well. There was even an eerie fairy-tale personage or two, and a terrifying Boogaloo boy (and girl) in Hawaiian shirts as well.

True to their promise, our hares took the walkers on a flat circuit which gave them ample opportunity to terrify (or just amuse) the locals. They took the runners, though, up to the dizzying heights of Mayfield Road, which certainly got their hearts pounding. Luckily, none of them suffered from vertigo....

Back home, we were treated to banquet of traditional Hibernian Halloween fare - Coddle and Colcanon, followed by Barmbrack!

Saucy Sous took out the award for the best-dressed female:

And (for the first and probably only time in his life) Haughty was chosen as the best-dressed male in the company!

Many, many thanks to our hares for a really memorable event celebrating the ancient Celtic New Year!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 7th November, 5 pm

Where: Meet at the end of Lanita Road, Ferny Hills. A map!

Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!