Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Midwinter already?

Yes - hallelujah! It's our Winter Solstice meet this coming Sunday...and for all except the perverse souls who say they like to feel cold (e.g. Shaggy), it's good news! Spring is on the way again!

There was certainly plenty of chill in the air this last Sunday for the group that gathered in Upper Kedron to pay close attention to Leave Pass' chalk talk in the last rays of the setting sun:

From here it was a mixed bag of grassy paddocks, water features and forest. Thanks to Snappy once more for these shots of walkers and the walk:

We wrapped up as we waited for late returnees (well, Shaggy and Dingo didn't - what's wrong with them?)...

and then headed off to Leave Pass' favourite playground for a pasta and salad feast. Many thanks to our hare for a couple of very pleasant trails and a very tasty meal!

Jamesbondage, the Hash jeweler, had been busy and Saucy Sous and Dumbbell received their Hash name necklaces in the circle:

Now, there's something special on offer next Sunday. Culture vultures (including Culture) are invited to join the multi-talented Superhacker for an orchestral concert at 1.30 pm (she'll be playing the violin). A walk and run from the concert venue in Chelmer will follow and will include an exploration of the brand-new Indooroopilly Riverwalk. (Here's Superhacker with a couple of her cycling buddies at the opening of the Riverwalk last week.)

After this - we'll try out a pub meal in the unfamiliar territory of Southside. Should be fun!

For those who can't make it across the river for the concert and/or the walk and run, there'll be a Potluck meet at John Scott Park. Since the Hash eskys won't be there, this will be BYO drinks and eats affair (shades of 2020....).

Next run details

When: Sunday 20th June. Concert starts at 1.30 pm for those attending - check emails for details. Walk/run will be at 4 pm.

Where: Sherwood Football Club, 41 Chelmer Street East, Chelmer. A map! (Or for the stay-at-homes, John Scott Park)

Hares: Superhacker and friends. A local hostelry will cater. (Or for the stay-at-homes, BYO drinks and meal)

On, on!