But one local confronted the runners, demanding to know if the "white stuff" was poison. His dog had been "foaming at the mouth" after trying some. We assured him that Darcy ate it all the time with no ill effects...and that he is meant to look as he does.
Great weather for running/walking, a scenic well-marked route, some tasty soup, pasta and salad - well done, hares! The blazing braziers were very welcome as well - although Vegemite recently found an old (hashing) method for keeping warm all winter with just one piece of firewood:
Recipe to keep a person warm the whole winter with a single Billet of Wood. — Take a billet of wood the ordinary size, run up into the garret with it as quick as you can, throw it out of the garret window; run down after it (not out of the garret window mind) as fast as possible; repeat this till you are warm, and as often as occasion may require. It will never fail to have the desired effect whilst you are able to use it. — Probatum est*.
– Oracle and Public Advertiser, Nov. 24, 1796
Leave Pass has just returned from the UK with stories of having upstaged Martin Clunes in the filning of the latest series of Doc Martin. Is he the real father of Miss Glasson's baby? We look forward to checking it out when the episode is shown here....
There will be no mid-week run this week, as about 26 of us are booked in this Tuesday for a great Samford Hash bierfest and food fight at the German Club. Tasting notes and pics will follow next week - assuming that we can remember anything of the evening.
Next run details
When: Sunday 7th August
Where: Leave Pass's den of iniquity
Hare: Leave Pass
(If you need directions to this run, please email us)
*Latin: "It is proved"
On, on!