A number of regulars were away (down the coast, down in Byron Bay and across the Tasman) but 21 humans and 2 dogs turned up to welcome Kamikaze from Perth - and to honour his new shoes. Some Samford Hash members even had to be evacuated from Coochimudlo on Saturday night in order to make it to the run.
Plans are well in train for the Stanthorpe Stagger in April. Here's a summit shot proving that Culture did once make it to the top of Mt Norman - and didn't break her bottle of red wine either.

And for those who like a touch of the grisly, here's a shot of Haughty's elbow after The Fall last weekend:

Next run details
When: Sunday 7th March, 5pm
Where: Bunya Riverside Reserve (end Dugandan Road, Bunya) Here's a map
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour
On, on!