Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The smallest Samford Hash member

celebrated his birthday at the smallest Samford Hash meet in history on Sunday. There were only eight of us - which meant there was a large helping of Nipper's birthday cake for everyone there. We had an enjoyable run/walk and a great joke-swapping session.

(Actually, if I remember right, Strine did once tell me of an occasion when the hare -Rick "Uriah" Heap - was the only person to turn up to his own run. But that was sometime in the Jurassic...it's pre-history)

One of our annual fixtures is coming up this next Sunday - Charcoal's famous Easter Egg run! Who'll best be able to follow his fiendishly cunning trail, find the eggs, and clog his or her arteries with chocolate?

Next run details
When: Sunday 4th April (Easter Sunday) 4 pm
Where: Corner Clear Mountain Road and Buranda Road, Clear Mountain
Hares: Charcoal and Strine

On, on!