Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Cloud studies

With a number of our regulars still away, it was once again a pretty small group of 13 who met at John Scott Park this last Sunday. But what we lacked in numbers was made up for by the quality of the catering. "It's a pity", said Le W*nk, "that we don't have any good cooks in Hash." He was being ironic, of course - Potluck supplied us with a wonderfully varied and tasty feast to follow on from a trot around the familiar Samford circuit. Thanks as usual to all for their contributions!

Here are some of Snappy's shots from the occasion, including the cloud studies she took on the walk!

In NSW, our Hash caravaners continued their wanderings. They were joined for a night in Red Rock by a couple of other unemployed people:

And they enjoyed a seaside hash walk on Sunday at Brunswick Heads:

Meanwhile...elsewhere in the world, Floater and Scratchit continue their extensive journeys in the Iberian peninsula. Over the last several weeks, we've felt completely daunted by the challenge of selecting pictures from her highly scenic posts to feature on this blog. Far better to go to the source - and many of us have been doing just that. But, belatedly, here are just a few chosen out of her latest images from Moorish southern Spain:

And finally, here's a report from Mile High and Hugandkiss in California: "We had a wonderful time with Jillian and Steve and we are now travelling around. We went to iconic Yosemite National Park....Highlight was camping on the bank of the Merced River which flows through Yosemite Valley. We fell asleep to the sound of a waterfall and rapids and woke to the sun glistening on the water. A great time to experience Yosemite as the falls are fully powered by the Spring melt and the new blooms and foliage weave magic colour into the landscape. 🤩🤩PS we didn't manage to see Yogi bear and boo boo but saw a coyote and a bobcat."

Yosemite Falls:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 2nd June, 4 pm

Where: Idle Vice and Upstanding's stately home in Wilston

Hares: Upstanding and Idle Vice

Please bring chairs.

On, on!