Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Some mothers do 'ave 'em

Many mothers and others have family duties to attend to on Mothers' Day each year, either giving or receiving chrysanthemums, chocolates, perfume and dinners - so it's only the undutiful who turn up to Hash (and, yes, some mothers do 'ave 'em). This year there were just 17 or 18 waifs, strays and sad-acts who turned up at the Farmers' Hall on Sunday for a stroll through the valley and some consolatory drinks and eats. But we had a good time.

A number of our regulars will be away over the next few weeks on a caravanning jaunt...and we also bade farewell to Mile High and Hugandkiss, who are heading off to San Francisco with flowers in their hair....

The route was one we haven't been on recently, and we aroused some interest from the local dogs, geese and other backyard fauna en route:

Here are some more of Snappy's shots from the occasion (thanks again to her).

The gathering to the rear of the Farmers' Hall:

The walk:

The onon - back in the centre of the village:

Meanwhile, in the UK, mother and daughter Superhacker and Hopalong were among a bunch of Beautiful People snapped at Firle Place in East Sussex - and aren't they the most beautiful of the lot? Superhacker writes that her only regret was that she couldn't persuade the Bishop of Rochester's son to marry her. You may remember that Jane Austen's Emma, who was depicted in the 2020 production at the same location, was also unsuccessful in her matrimonial schemes....

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 19th May, 4 pm

Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt. O'Reilly Road, Samford Valley. A map!

Hares: M. Promptu will probably set the route. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

We suggest you  bring chairs.

On, on!