Thursday, January 12, 2023

Into the woods

A while back, when we first started to run and walk around the developing Surrey Farm Park area, we were going between some newly-planted seedlings and sapling trees. What a difference a few short years have made! The developing forest makes for a really enjoyable and scenic trail - and this last Sunday's one was excellently marked as well!

Twenty-five humans turned up to enjoy it, and no less than seven canines - who preferred to keep their distance as we gathered in wide array for the chalk talk:

It seemed a good occasion for one of our occasional Doggy Portrait Features:

It was good to welcome some folk who haven't been around for a while, due to pressure of work and travel. Greg joined us - all the way from Sydney - to make up a running group of six (which is a bit unusual these days, and nice to have)....

Back at the park, both vegetarians and carnivores tucked into an excellent spread. Many thanks to our hardworking hares!

Sad to say, there were a couple of serious and serial short-cutters on the run. Both they, and someone identified as a Crashing Bore, were awarded down, downs. Some mug shots of the offenders, and a drenching:

It's back to one of our traditional venues next week for a map-set trail. Wonder if the passage of time means that the hills are starting to flatten out at all?

And thanks to this week's photographers - Leave Pass, Cash Converta and Culture.

Next week's run/walk

When: Sunday 15th January, 5 pm

Where: Corner Buranda and Clear Mountain Roads, Cashmere. A map!

Hares: Charcoal and Strine

On, on!