Monday, November 21, 2022

Thrifty neighbours

Rain delayed our start this last Sunday, because it really was belting down at 5 o'clock. Here's the view from Snappy's car when she arrived:

All the hares' painstaking work in marking the trail had been washed away, so we set out with a live guide to tour the thrifty neighbourhood, passing no less than four houses whose owners had clearly taken to heart all the proverbs we learnt as children - "a penny saved is a penny earned; waste not, want not; always keep something for a rainy day; a fool and his money are soon parted" etc., etc. These are people who have never thrown anything away....

Other points of interest along the way were the site where a notorious murder took place in 1952, and this spectacularly seasonally adorned house:

The route proved too difficult for the hare to explain to the rather navigationally challenged runners' group, so they elected in the end to join the walkers along the rain-washed trail. Here are a few of Snappy's shots from the walk:

Culture noted the twig markers for those who use the stairs for training...unfortunately we had time for only one lap.

We gathered back in the hares' very tidy back yard, where we were able to form an almost perfect circle. Vege lasagna, snags and salad were followed by ice-cream! The self-elected royals surveyed the scene from the balcony...and attempted to baptise those below....Many, many thanks to Upstanding and Idle Vice!

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 27th November, 5 pm

Where: Le W*nk and Lax's Mitchelton manor. Please note: Despite what was announced in the circle, we will not be meeting at Ironbark Gully!

Hare: Le W*nk

(If you need directions to this run/walk, please email us. And we suggest you bring chairs.)

On, on!