Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Hard Labour 2022

It was a small gathering once again this week. That's what we expected and predicted...and small gatherings will be the norm for the next month as well. Many people are away (and others will be away later in May); some are involved in the SPADEwerx production of "Hay Fever"; and now we have some cases of Covid-19 thrown into the mix as well! Get well soon, Le W*nk! And to those in isolation - Lax, Budgie, Miss Behavin' - stay well!

Another long term hasher, Mollie, has been undergoing surgery, and despite having been a worry to her parents, has come bouncing back better than ever. Best wishes for your convalescence, Mollie!

The runners this week took on the head-high overgrown grass that's overwhelmed some of the South Pine tracks since recent rain. The ended up crossing the creek many times and then running in the bed of the creek. Totally lost, they had to cut their way through the jungle, and were relieved to find themselves (eventually) on the Mt Glorious Road. Their shoes needed a wash anyway. The more sensible walkers kept to the bitumen.

Here are some of Cash Converta's shots of the group back at Undambi. As usual, Potluck provided a varied and sumptuous repast - thanks to all for their contributions.

It's Mothers' Day next Sunday, so to give mums a break, we'll meet at the Ferny Grove Sports Club and enjoy another amazing Malaysian feast. Wonder who'll be Mother Superior 2022?

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 8th May, 4 pm

Where: Ferny Grove Sports Club, Tramway St., Ferny Grove. Meet in the carpark at the rear of the building. A map!

Hares: M. Promptu (live hares on the day).

On, on!