Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Cupid's (chalk) arrows - a pearl of a run

We'd forgotten (until we were reminded afterwards) that this month marks the 30th (Pearl) Anniversary of Samford Hash! Our first run was in February 1991... and though we've enjoyed celebrating our 21st Birthday and our Silver Anniversary over the last decade, this particular significant date sort of snuck up on us. Well - happy 30th, everyone!

This Sunday's run was also held on Valentine's Day, although once again we didn't make a great deal of it. Perhaps we are just so glad and relieved that we are able to meet and enjoy one another's company every week that for us every Sunday is a momentous celebration! No need to remind ourselves that things are not like this in other parts of the world....

Our Valentine hares set a trail that held many happy memories for them - and for some others who could recall a time when you didn't need several millions of dollars to buy a house in the area. The route was well-marked, flat and scenic, with only the occasional patch of trackless jungle to hack through:

The runners were joined this week by the Hound of the Baskervilles, aka Zoe. Here they are negotiating the turnaround at the end of their out and back trail. It was hard to do without a dog:

And back at the park we enjoyed some scrumptious nosh and replenished our precious bodily fluids in a wide and safe circle. Many, many thanks to Upstanding and Idle Vice!

Next week we'll be pool-warming Shockjock and Miss Demeanour's new pool, so bring something to swim in (your birthday suit, perhaps?)!

Next run details

When: Sunday 21st February, 5 pm

Where: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock's Bunya humpy

Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour

(If you need directions to this run please email us. Bring something to swim in.)

On, on!