Of course a lot of conversation turned on what would be happening with Interhash 2020, and Le W*nk was busily having a text conversation with the organisers as we met. At time of writing the chances of it coming off seem a little like a snowball's on the beach at Port of Spain.
Malpractice and B-Flat arrived in the country this week. Welcome to Oz! And we look forward to seeing you after your 14-day quarantine period is over.
Of course, the situation with the virus continues to change. The US is now discouraging social gatherings of more than 10 people, and in the UK people over 70 are being told to stay at home for the next twelve weeks! Let's hope Samford Hash is able to continue meeting as we always have....
Finally, some non-cv news: the latest New Scientist has a cover story about whether walking or running is better for you. For those who don't have access, the good-news take-home message is that they're equally good, as long as you expend the same amount of effort in total. And a side-bar message is that 1 hour of running extends your life by 7 hours. Do the maths: there are 168 hours in a week, so if you run for more than 24 hours a week you could live for ever!

Next run details
When: Sunday 22nd March, 5 pm
Where: Forgan Park, Forgan Road, Joyner. NOTE: THIS IS NOT FORGAN COVE - it's closer to Bullocky's Rest. A map!
Hares: Culture and Haughty.
And please bring a chair!!
On, on!