Tuesday, August 25, 2020

As you were

Just when we thought things were reverting to normal in Queensland, we've been suddenly thrown back to where we were at the beginning of June. Who knows for how long we'll be "hashing in tens" this time?

Given that we only had about 30 hours notice of the change, it was remarkable how quickly hash members were able to organise themselves into groups, and we had to expand the original sign up sheet to accommodate four of them (groups, I mean). Well done, all!

By all reports, everyone had a good time. The folk who met at Teralba Park toured the streets marveling at the million-dollar houses being erected nearby and then used the free park wi-fi to put in some offers:

Tatty, Squelch, Dynamite and Hot Stuff formed a separate second group at Teralba, and kept a safe distance from Group 1. Tatty reports that "The walk was enjoyed by all except Hot Stuff who complained about his 'dying legs' the whole way, until of course we returned and a playground was spotted and said dead legs miraculously healed."

Here's the group that met at John Scott Park:

The group at Undambi explored the increasingly popular horse trails on the far side of the Mt Glorious road and returned for a chilly but interesting discussion which covid a range of topics.

Meanwhile in Rockhampton, Jamesbondage and Redbreast recced a spectacular trail up Mount Archer. Curiously, we would be allowed to meet there as a group of 30....

Back home though, it's groups of ten again this next Sunday, unfortunately. BYO drinks, eats, jokes, chairs...oh, and lanterns as well.

Finally, here's something for us to try when we can all get together again.

Next run details
When: Sunday 30th August, 4 pm
Where: 4 venues, maximum of 10 people at each. Check your emails, sign up online or email us with your preferences.
Hares: M. Promptu will set the runs. BYO drinks and eats. Remember chairs and sources of light.

On, on!