Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rail trailing

A bunch of blokes go away for the weekend and come back with sore bottoms. Does that remind you of anything - "Brokeback Mountain", for example?

Seriously though, the hashers who took their mountain bikes on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail had a great time, despite the saddle-sores. Here are a few shots:

First beer stop at Linville - 7 km into the ride:

Some views of the trail:

Lunch at Blackbutt (appropriate name for a town on the trail):

The bustling tourist town of Yarraman. Lucky we didn't get run over:

Bora ring at Benarkin:

We made it:

Many thanks to Shockjock for organising this excursion!

Meanwhile the stay-at-homes kept to the railway theme by walking/running from the site of the former Samford railway station. They finished off with another sumptuous Potluck feast.

We bade farewell to Malpractice and B-Flat this weekend. They are winging their way back to the UK once more. See you next year!

Next run details
When: Sunday 8th October, 4 pm
Where: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour's Bunya humpy
Hares: Shockjock, Miss Demeanour and Co.

On, on!