Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Another Soggy Hash

There was some reluctance to leave the John Scott park shelters, but when the assembled company were suitably clad in a collection Ponchos/Cagoules/Raincoats/Anoraks or (soon to be) wet T-shirts we set off on a clockwise village run. About an hour later we returned back absolutely drenched,,,

One of the bachelors of the leave-pass household carried off the soggy look very well...

The other was a try-hard wannabe...

Our hares cashconverta  and payback did us proud with a feast of sausages and gourmet salad which I am sorry to say brought on  a late-blooming dad joke from shockjock "why did the beetroot blush? because he saw the salad dressing"

Next Week's Run

Sunday 22nd October 4pm
James Bondage and Redbreast's draper hideaway
Hares: James Bondage and Redbreast