Tuesday, July 4, 2017

On the range - at the Rangers'

Mile High and Hugandkiss treated us to a new venue - Samford Rangers' new clubhouse - and a new route through the paddocks fringing the Royal Estates. The trail provided some great views of the Samford valley in the late afternoon light and also some interesting barbed wire obstacles for the dogs to negotiate. We returned past some multi-million dollar homes (although our presence in the area may well have provided a temporary hit to real estate values.)

Back home our hares laid on a 3-course banquet that included that essential item for a cold evening - ice cream! Many thanks, hares!

We welcomed a visitor from Spain and celebrated Le W*nk's ability to remember his lines in As You Like It....Here are a few shots from the weekend's performances showing only some of the many talented hashers who took part:

Next run details
When: Sunday 9th July, 4 pm
Where: Guyatt Park (at Hiron Street), St Lucia. A map!
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

On, on!