Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother Superior 2017

Each year at this time Samford Hash honours mothers - Earth Mothers, Mother Earth, hot mamas, loving mothers, caring mothers and nurturing mothers (we draw the line at yummy mummies.) As we always say, "mothering" is not confined to biological mothers and many Mother Superiors have no biological offspring. Think Mother Teresa....

Cadbury was this year's worthy recipient of our Mother Superior Award and the frills, furbelows and formidable foundation-wear that go with it. Congratulations! Here she is, being invested with the regalia by last year's winner, Hugandkiss, and then showing off some of her moves:

Shaggy looks a little bemused:

She: I thought you'd like a wife with long blonde hair.
He: I don't want one with Donald Trump's hair!

We also need to record that Escargot - our Mother Superior from 2 years back - became a proud grandmother a week or so ago - congrats to her too!

The weather was distinctly dampish, but the rain fortunately held off. The walkers had the choice of an adventurous but scenic excursion along the creek or a more sedate stroll along the road (where the greatest risk was that of being accosted by goatherd.) The runners added a hillclimb to the creek leg - after all, what's a Samford run without a hill or two? - and no-one fell in the water.

Next weekend a bunch of Samford hashers will be away, camping it up and climbing a peak or two around the Scenic Rim. Look for their pics in further posts. The stay-at-homes are heading towards Dayboro.

Finally - blame Leave Pass for the suggestion - here's a little something from the Mothers of Invention. This dates from 1966:

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st May, 4 pm (for the stay-at-homes; various for the campers)
Where: For the campers - as arranged; for the stay-at-homes - new carpark at the end of the Postman's Track, Samsonvale. Go to the end of the bitumen on the Postman's Track, then continue along the gravel track past the "Road Ends" sign (is that clear?)  Proceed to a new carpark on the shores of Lake Samsonvale. IMPORTANT NOTE: No dogs allowed - SEQWater property. A map!
Hares: For the stay-at-homes - Banger and Make an Offer

Remember - no dogs!

On, on!