Monday, May 29, 2017

Lapping the lapping lake

Payback and Cash Converta took us on another scenic circuit of the Warner Lake this Sunday, with plenty of opportunities for birdwatching - and souped-up car watching - along the way. This area must be home to a large number of car enthusiasts as well as a large number of spoonbills, black ducks and swans. Our hares followed up a relaxed and easy excursion with cottage pie, a great salad and cupcakes. Many thanks to them both!

Ladies first? In general, perhaps - but don't stand between a male Samford hasher and the grub!

Here are a few follow-up pics from last week's weekend away - thanks to Payback:

More water:

The Gorge campsite:

After Redbreast and Jamesbondage headed home with caravan problems, someone had to finish up the pumpkin soup they'd left behind:

Bottle tree in Clifton - don't know which of our mob was responsible for the graffiti:

Clifton sunset:

A number of members are heading OS over the next few weeks - Eweshggr, Leave Pass, Make an Offer and Banger to the UK, and Floater and Scratchit to Portugal. All the best on your travels, and please - there's no need to bring us back large bottles of port...small  ones will do....

Tinkerbell is setting his inaugural Samford Hash run next Sunday. Those of us who have experienced his Red Dress runs are really looking forward to it!

Next run details
When: Sunday 4th June, 4 pm
Where: Carpark outside First Choice Liquor, Great Western Shopping Centre, Keperra. A map!
Hares: Tinkerbell will set the run. Culture will cater.

On, on!