Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Four and twenty Hash years...

24 years! As Eweshggr would have said (had he not been in NZ) you get less for murder....It seems hardly any time since our big 21st birthday celebration at the same venue. Thanks especially to our hares! And thanks also to the others who contributed to a great night: Shockjock (his latest brew), Floater (cupcakes and sparklers) and Hash Cash (champagne).

The rolling topography meant that a 5.5 k run took a full hour. Surely the runners didn't walk up this grassy knoll? (To be fair, this was probably hill number 55 on the trail.)

Proof that they made it to the top - 11 runners in all. The short-cutting walkers were probably home by this time:

Our birthday celebrations included a traditional naming ceremony for 2 new members - Legover and Down There. We're looking forward to another 24 years of running with you, guys!

A conflagration occurred amongst the celebratory cupcakes and Hash cookies:

Earlier in the week a bunch of us made a serious but futile attempt to sample all the beers at the German club. Thanks to Topless for the photography!

And on the same week that Samford Hash turned 24, Trudi Fruti turned 21(?) and our youngest member, Eloise, turned a big 12 months! More photos to follow in future posts....

Next run details
When: Sunday 22nd February, 5 pm
Where: 24 (approx) Crag Road, Taringa - this is it!
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

On, on!