Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bunya Hillclimb

It must have been hard for our hares to find a hill or two around Bunya (it's such a flat area!) but they managed it. Logically there must have been as many downs as ups, but it didn't quite feel that way. Back home, a selection of scrumptious salads and meatloaf brought forth the enthusiastic comment "That was the best meal ever, Mum!" Thanks, hares!

Thanks also to Floater, who made us the willing guinea pigs for the slice she'll be cooking with the Grade 9s later in the week....

It was great to welcome B Flat and Malpractice back from the frozen north, as well as a few other folk we haven't seen for a while. We also farewelled Kermit - back to the Solomons on another 3 month medical mission!

Next run details
When: Sunday 8th February, 5 pm
Where: Sargent Reserve, Bunya Crossing Road, Eatons Hill. A map!
Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!