Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Giro del Dayboro

The clouds parted to produce a lovely afternoon in Dayboro this last Sunday. I'm not sure where the walkers went (I'm not sure that the walkers knew where they went, either) but the runners enjoyed a very scenic circuit of the green surrounds.

We didn't hear until afterwards that Banger and Make an Offer's dog Toga had suffered a dramatic snakebite in the preceding week (the patient is doing well.) Perhaps if we had known we'd have exercised a bit more caution in tackling the grassy bits of the run....

Some welcome and warming vats of mash and stew greeted us on our return, and we greedily shoveled them in. Thanks, hares!

Meanwhile, in Istanbul Mile High and Hugandkiss (and friends) were overlooking the blue waters of the Bosphorus...

Next run details
When: Sunday 25th May, 4 pm
Where: Kalinga Park, Clayfield. Here's a map!
Hares: Bigtop and Hardcore (helped by Eloise)

On, on!