Monday, October 22, 2012

Red hot chili

followed a red hot run/walk through Dayboro.  The 34 degrees promised earlier in the week didn't materialise, but it was still pretty darn warm.  This made the loops around the cool waters of the North Pine rather pleasant...the runners were also rewarded for puffing up the hills by the breezes they encountered on the top.

Here's a view of the runners' route, as recorded by our hare....

Next week we move to a 5pm start for our annual Halloween run:

Further date claimers for this busy time of the year:
  • The Hash seaside camp has had to be downgraded to a seaside day trip - Saturday November 10th.
  • Hash Christmas will now be on Friday 7th December (a week earlier than originally planned) and (probably) not at Sandgate.  But the theme remains the same: "On the beach!"
Next run details (Halloween Run!)
When: Sunday 28th October, 5 pm, repeat 5 pm
Where: Corner Linkwood Drive and Ridgewood Court, Ferny Hills
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage

On, on!